Design and implement RESTful API for the game
As API we defined support routes to be called
post 'api/user/register'
mandatory data {email: string, password: string}
post 'api/user/login'
mandatory data {email: string, password: string}
It is recommended to encrypt the password. In any of this API call, the server response with a Token JWS that will be used in any GAMEs api request.
For any request below it's necessary to set in HEADER 'Authorization' the token obtained in previous User request
headers.common['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${token}`
get 'api/game/history'
get 'api/game/reset/:rows/:columns/:mines'
get 'api/game/:id/click/row/:row/col/:col'
get 'api/game/:id/to_click/row/:row/col/:col'
get 'api/game/:id/mark/row/:row/col/:col'
get 'api/game/:id/question/row/:row/col/:col'
When reset a game the API return data related to the new Game
"message": "ok",
"game": {
"id": "GAME_ID",
"timer": "TIMER in seg.",
"state": "playing|loser|winner",
"board": {
"rows": "number_of_rows",
"columns": "number_of_columns",
"mines": "number_of_mines",
"cells": [
"row": "row_value",
"col": "col_value",
"value": "number of mine around the cell or -1 if a mine",
"state": "click|unclicked|disputed|marked"
For actions like to_click, mark & question the API return
"cell": {
"row": "row_value",
"col": "col_value",
"value": "number of mine around the cell or -1 if a mine",
"state": "click|unclicked|disputed|marked"
"state": "playing|loser|winner",
"timer": "TIMER in seg."
For each click action de API return a JSON with
"cell": {
"row": "row_value",
"col": "col_value",
"value": "number of mine around the cell or -1 if a mine",
"state": click|unclicked|disputed|marked"
"was_clicked": "boolean (if the cell already 'clicked')",
"neighbors": ["list_cell_neighbors to discover"],
"state": "playing|looser|winner",
"timer": "TIMER in seg."
- Time tracking (One day is the limit to finish a board)
- Ability to start a new game and preserve the old ones
- Ability to resume an old game
- Ability to support multiple users/accounts
- Improve testing