- 121ed33 release: add --yes to goreleaser cosign sign
- 3719fa4 release: add --yes flag to cosign sign
- b3843e0 Bump actions/setup-go from 3 to 4 (#55)
- c42e0a4 Use Go 1.20 in test workflow
- 0754a15 Print all results in JSON regardless of -a setting
- eb2c506 Wrap results in a 'report' document
- 5d9e21b Create dedicated repository type
- 89dc888 Extract repository from the vcs_url qualifier in the purl
- 6bb23a9 Create aggregate type for package to repositories mappings
- a156d78 Extract repositories from syft-json format
- f993318 Restructure how packages are fetched from the BOM
- b9b5c74 Remove database
- c4ded6d Fix concurrency for scorecard generate client
- cbf7b8d Add flag to disable fetching scores from the API
- 46af7ca Update README
- 5991640 Make usage of the database optional and rename check flag
- 88298be Support any package type
- 700bc27 Remove scores from database
- fce9679 Return the full scorecard result format
- af5c2e2 Add a local cache for retrieved scores
- fd903fa Improve progress logging
- 9fbe57e Fetch scores from the scorecard API
- f508c49 Improve progress logging
- 5426827 Bump github.com/klauspost/compress from 1.16.0 to 1.16.3 (#49)
- b59a104 Bump github.com/cheggaaa/pb/v3 from 3.1.0 to 3.1.2 (#48)
- b08d309 Bump google.golang.org/api from 0.111.0 to 0.112.0 (#50)
- 9a9f0f7 Bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 2.8.1 to 3.0.1 (#47)
- 6104142 Bump google.golang.org/api from 0.109.0 to 0.111.0 (#46)
- 45bc91b Bump cloud.google.com/go/bigquery from 1.46.0 to 1.48.0 (#45)
- f5950b8 Bump github.com/klauspost/compress from 1.15.15 to 1.16.0 (#43)
- d6d278d Bump modernc.org/sqlite from 1.20.4 to 1.21.0 (#44)
- 9053b73 Bump modernc.org/sqlite from 1.20.3 to 1.20.4 (#39)
- 7a0fa93 Bump cloud.google.com/go/bigquery from 1.45.0 to 1.46.0 (#40)
- ffa3e67 Extract repository information from BOM (#34)
- 39a884e Bump google.golang.org/api from 0.108.0 to 0.109.0 (#33)
- 8b56e7d Bump github.com/ossf/scorecard/v4 from 4.8.0 to 4.10.2 (#21)
- 3da04a7 Bump github.com/google/go-containerregistry from 0.12.1 to 0.13.0 (#32)
- d9abe1f Bump google.golang.org/api from 0.103.0 to 0.108.0 (#31)
- ca3682b Bump modernc.org/sqlite from 1.19.5 to 1.20.3 (#30)
- b51bf8d Bump github.com/klauspost/compress from 1.15.12 to 1.15.15 (#29)
- 093c8f1 Bump cloud.google.com/go/bigquery from 1.43.0 to 1.45.0 (#27)
- 31b8ddb Bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 3 to 4 (#20)
- 183baf5 Bump docker/login-action from 1.9.0 to 2.1.0 (#15)