Configuration files specific for the LSU rice breeding program instance of Breedbase. Below are the commands needed to get the LSU breedbase instance up and running.
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it breedbase_web bash
psql -U postgres -h breedbase_db -c "create database breedbase_fresh"
psql -U postgres -h breedbase_db -c "drop database breedbase"
psql -U postgres -h breedbase_db -c "create user web_usr"
psql -U postgres -h breedbase_db -c "alter user web_usr password 'postgres'"
psql -U postgres -h breedbase_db -d breedbase_fresh -f t/data/fixture/empty_fixture.sql
cd db
./ -u postgres -p postgres -h breedbase_db -d breedbase_fresh -e janedoe
perl ~/cxgn/Chado/chado/bin/ -H breedbase_db -D breedbase_fresh -d Pg -s LSU_01 -v -u -r postgres -n lsuRice -p postgres ~/cxgn/lsurice-breedbase/ontology/lsu_rice2.obo
psql -U postgres -h breedbase_db -d breedbase_fresh -c "delete from cvterm where cv_id = 16 or cv_id = 54 or cv_id = 58 or cv_id = 59 or cv_id = 4 or cv_id = 7 or cv_id =8 or cv_id = 9 or cv_id=10 or cv_id=13 or cv_id=14 or cv_id=19"
psql -U postgres -h breedbase_db -d breedbase_fresh -c "delete from cvprop where cv_id = 16 or cv_id=58 or cv_id=59 or cv_id=64"
perl ~/cxgn/sgn/bin/ -H breedbase_db -D breedbase_fresh -T lsuRice