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My Dotfiles

These are my dotfiles, managed by chezmoi.

Getting started

You can use the convenience script to install the dotfiles on any machine with a single command. Simply run one of the following commands in your terminal:


bash -c "$(wget -qO-"


bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Convenience script

The getting started step used the convenience script to install this dotfiles. There are some extra options that you can use to tweak the installation if you need.

It supports some environment variables:

  • DOTFILES_REPO_HOST: Defaults to
  • DOTFILES_USER: Defaults to jfmercer.
  • DOTFILES_BRANCH: Defaults to master.

For example, you can use it to clone and install the dotfiles repository at the beta branch with:

DOTFILES_BRANCH=foobar /usr/bin/env bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


Debug Installation

Add DOTFILES_DEBUG=true to get debug output during the installation.


Key Mappings

  • ESC is now jk. This will save your left pinky from a premature death.
  • F2 toggles paste.
  • F3 toggles NERDTree.
  • F4 toggles tagbar.
  • ,ev edits your vimrc. The mnemonic is 'e'dit 'v'imrc.
  • ,sv sources your vimrc. The mnemonic is 's'ource 'v'imrc.


To quote Tim Pope, it's "a Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal."

This handles the surrounding of text objects with parentheses, brackets, quotes, tags, etc. Use cs, ds, ys, & yss. See the documentation or run :help surround.

A file tree explorer. Basically, the project drawer you may be missing from Textmate and Sublime Text.

This makes commenting much easier. Select something, [count]<leader>cc, done.

Tagbar is for browsing the tags of source code files. It needs to have Exuberant ctags installed in order to work.

Syntastic brings syntax checking to vim. As soon as you save a file, syntastic will check it for syntax errors and list them on the left-hand column. Note that it works with supported syntax checks, and if these are not installed, it won't work. For example, for Python, you need to have flake8, pyflakes, or pylint in your $PATH. Jump between errors with :lnext and :lprev.

Easy Motion makes it much, much easier to move the cursor around the screen. See @Lokaltog's introduction for details. The short version: hit <Leader><Leader> followed by a motion key (say, <Leader><Leader>w) and then watch the magic happen.

A beautiful and very useful vim status line. For this to work properly, you may have to install Powerline-ready fonts, four of which may be found here.

Adds the monokai color scheme.

Provides insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parentheses, brackets, etc.

A Note on Go Templates

Apparently, {{- strips leading whitespace, -}} strips trailing whitespace, and both {{ and }} do neither.


I have borrowed heavily from the following:


These are my dot files.








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