- run KMM from android
- run KMM from iOS
- create swift package from KMM
- create AAR and import in to independent android project
- create JS distribution from KMM
- add networking to KMM (KTor)
- add database to KMM (SQLDelight)
Article on slicing frameworks to create an XCFramework https://medium.com/strava-engineering/convert-a-universal-fat-framework-to-an-xcframework-39e33b7bd861
JS Gradle command core:jsBrowserWebpack core:jsBrowserProductionWebpack core:jsBrowserDistribution
Async for iOS Combine: https://johnoreilly.dev/posts/kotlinmultiplatform-swift-combine_publisher-flow/
Async/Await Swift KMM https://johnoreilly.dev/posts/swift_async_await_kotlin_coroutines/
KMP-D pattern: