FRP TicTacToe
- .gitignore not added for dev consumption convenience
Base Spec
- build a tic tac toe game
- use a mobile framework (like ionic)
- Allow 2 players to play tic tac toe (Follow the rules of tic tac toe)
- Have 3x3 grid on which the players can play
- Allow the players to take turns marking spaces on the 3x3 grid
- Recognize when a player has won and declare that player as victorious
- Allow the user to start a new game
- unit tests (coverage could be better)
Some things that would be cool to add UX Support Spec
- seamlessly responsive to screen sizes from mobile to desktop
- lazy load the UI to minimize load time
- UI should indicate which player is active for a given turn
- Logic mechanics should use Reactive Functional Programming techniques (
- Implement no take backs
- Game state should be reactively durable
Remote Play Spec
- setup couchDB instance for testing
- requires a unique name. name will be persisted to the user lookup db.
- provide a list of users to play against
- allow remote user to accept or deny a new game
- Use CQRS to prevent remote user overwrites/conflicts and allows for rollback of game state
- one database as a user lookup dictionary
- include online state flag, to prevent orphan game requests
- one database per user for write side operations
- stream in other users' to complete UI game state
- prevent user from marking the board during the other players turn