Install the packages needed by this project Install django and related python package
On Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install python-dev sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev sudo apt-get install python-lxml sudo apt-get install python-pil
pip install django pip install django-ckeditor pip install pyquery pip install django-imagekit
Run the Project
- change path to Project/src.
- Create database: "python manage.py syncdb" (no need to enter the admin account which can be imported in 1. 3)
- Import initialization data from initialize_data.json "python manage.py loaddata initialize_data.json"
- Run the server "python manage.py runserver"
##About the site
This is a personal web site for myself to use in future. So I use django's default admin interface to manage the data and all visitors can do is to view the site and leave comments. To log in the admin site the current Username/Password is : "chen" "123456"
There are 5 parts of content in my site, they are
|___Home #Home page, using a html to display my CV
|___Blog #My blog, managed by using django admin interface
|___Readings #My reading list
|___Photography #My photography. Due to time limit, it is linked to another site
|___Price Compare #A cross site price parity site for price comparation.
##Things I wrote
as you can see in START UP STEPS, this site use some packages which are not written by myself. Below are what I wrote:
|-- admin.py
|-- forms.py
|-- models.py
|-- templates
| |-- blog_detail.html
| `-- blog_list.html
|-- tests.py
|-- urls.py
`-- views.py
|-- urls.py
`-- views.py
`-- templates
|-- aboutme.html
`-- base.html
|-- admin.py
|-- models.py
|-- templates
| |-- reading_list.html
| `-- reading_list.html.bak.html
|-- urls.py
`-- views.py
|-- models.py
|-- parser #Parser for item information which took me lot of time
| |-- GetItems.py
| `-- test.py
|-- templates
| `-- compare_list.html
|-- tests.py
|-- urls.py
`-- views.py
#Additinal packages I used
- Duoshuo comment service.(internet conection needed)
- django-imagekit (For image process)
- Python-PIL (For image process)
- django-ckeditor (rich text editor)
- django-angular