A easy to use toastr plugin inspired by CodeSeven/toastr made without jquery with pure vue.js
See a functioning demo deveo demo site
npm install --save @deveodk/vue-toastr
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueToastr from '@deveodk/vue-toastr'
// You need a specific loader for CSS files like https://github.com/webpack/css-loader
// If you would like custom styling of the toastr the css file can be replaced
import '@deveodk/vue-toastr/dist/@deveodk/vue-toastr.css'
<!-- From CDN -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@deveodk/vue-toastr/dist/@deveodk/vue-toastr.min.css"></link>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@deveodk/vue-toastr/dist/@deveodk/vue-toastr.min.js"></script>
The toastr defaults can be configured in the following way
Available positions:
Available types:
import VueToastr from '@deveodk/vue-toastr'
Vue.use(VueToastr, {
defaultPosition: 'toast-bottom-left',
defaultType: 'info',
defaultTimeout: 1000
The $toastr
prototype hook and how to use it.
# Make a success toastr
this.$toastr('success', 'i am a toastr success', 'hello')
# Make a error toastr
this.$toastr('error', 'i am a toastr error', 'hello')
# Make a warning toastr
this.$toastr('warning', 'i am a toastr warning', 'hello')
# Make a info toastr
this.$toastr('info', 'i am a toastr info', 'hello')
# Make a toastr with custom properties
this.$toastr('add, {
title: 'Heyy', // Toast Title
msg: 'I am a custom property toastr' // Message
clickClose: false, // Click Close Disable
timeout: 1000, // Timeout in ms
position: 'toast-bottom-full-width', // Toastr position
type: 'info', // Toastr type
# Available callbacks
closeOnHover: On mouse over stop timeout can be boolean; default true
clickClose: On click toast close can be boolean; default false
onCreated: On created toast event can be function
onClicked: On clicked toast event can be function
onClosed: On closed toast event can be function
onMouseOver: On mouse over toast event can be function
onMouseOut: On mouse over toast event can be function
# Using toastr in real world application
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/@deveodk/vue-toastr/dist/vue-toastr.css"></link>
<script src="/@deveodk/vue-toastr/dist/vue-toastr.js"></script>
new Vue({
el: 'body',
mounted: function () {
methods: {
showToastr: function () {
this.$toastr('success', 'it works!', 'Yeahh')
A special thanks to s4l1h for creating the original package. About 30% of the source code is forked from vue-toastr