Experimental Python bindings for the ROHC library
ROHC Library found at https://rohc-lib.org/
This extension is written in C and tries to simplify the interface. Feedback still needs to be handled manually if traffic is unidirectional.
hc = rohc.ROHC(True)
# Get an IP packet to compress and store it in ip_data
data_to_send = hc.compress(ip_data)
hc_info = hc.last_compressed_info()
# Receive a compressed packet from a different compressor
decompressed_pkt = hc.decompress(rohc_pkt)
hc_info = hc.last_decompressed_info()
# Show available general stats from the ROHC library
hc_info = hc.general_info()
# Feedback is "piggybacked"
# However, for unidirectional traffic you will need to check
# for feedback manually and send it out
# Check for feedback
if hc.feedback_to_send():
# Get the feedback
feedback_data = hc.get_feedback()
# Send the feedback over the link
# Finally a few other calls are available
hc.reinit() # Calls rohc_comp_force_contexts_reinit of the ROHC library
hc.clear() # This function simply re-initializes the object
hc.reset() # Similar to clear except the previous profiles are reinstated