- The Kerala Bird Atlas (KBA) is a first-of-its-kind state level birds atlas in India and was inspired by the Mysore Bird Atlas.
- The entire state of Kerala was divided into grids and was systematically surveyed twice a year, during the wet (July - September) and dry (January - March) seasons.
- The surveys for the KBA were constructed during 2015 to 2020 and it it the Asia's largest bird atlas in terms of geographical extent, sampling effort and the species coverage.
- KBA accounted for nearly three lakh records of 361 species, including 94 very rare species, 103 rare species, 110 common species, 44 very common species, and 10 most abundant species.
- The data is made available in the R object format, ie in .rds format.
- Saving data into R data formats can reduce the size of large files by considerably.
- In order to read the .rds files in Python we can use pyreadr package, which can be easily installable using
pip install pyreadr
- Python veriosn used : Python 3.9.12
- Python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
Example : Reading .rds files.
!pip install pyreadr
import pyreadr
result = pyreadr.read_r('../path_to_file.rds') # also works for RData
print(f"Class type of 'result' \t:: {type(result)}")
df = result[None] # extract the pandas data frame
print(f"Class type of 'df' \t:: {type(df)}")
>>> Class type of 'result' :: <class 'collections.OrderedDict'>
>>> Class type of 'df' :: <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
- Bird Count India
- The Hindu : Kerala gets its first ever scientific bird atlas
- Times of India : Mammoth survey for Kerala Bird Atlas ends
- Mysore Bird Atlas
- Images : Saketh Upadhya
The license can be found in the LICENSE file.