Tags: jkahrman/perl-compiler
B 1.54_11: delay cvref to init2 The SvRV of a xsloaded module needs to be initialized in init2, otherwise the CV will be empty. i.e. sv_list[9735].sv_u.svu_rv = (SV*)get_cvn_flags("Unicode::Normalize::NFKC", 24, 0); Todo: merge this with the other GvCV_set() init2 initialization to avoid 2x get_cvn_flags(). Fixes rurban#376.
C 1.54_10: Improve NV precision repro: my $a = 1<<1;my $b=1<<63; print ($a * $b == 18446744073709551616 ? 1 : 0); Closes rurban#373 (atoomic). Note that we use %.17g for normal double, not %.17Lg
C 1.54_05: fix refcount of cop hints hashes for v5.22-nt only, revert the refcount bump from 1.54. fixes rurban#220: t/issue220.t
C 1.53_05: new -fno-cow with -O2 needed since 5.18 for less memory, more static strings. Strip the COW flag since 5.18 from all strings. COW strings make not much sense as compiled perl strings, as the requirement for a writable COWREFCNT flag disallows making the whole buffer static. And if a buffer needs to be COW at run-time, the runtime adds the COW flag by itself. COW strings typically cost about 20% more memory since 5.18. Enabled with C<-O2>. (cherry picked from commit 0a30eb8) Signed-off-by: Nicolas Rochelemagne <rochelemagne@cpanel.net>