Configuration files for neovim
- Core:
- DAP:
- node-debug2: nvim-dap adapter for node
- node-debug: nvim-dap adapter for web inspector debugger
- Formatters:
- lua-fmt: for lua format
- prettier: for js/ts/json/yaml/html/scss/css format
- xmlformat: for xml format
- texlive-latexindent-meta: for tex format
- rustfmt: for rust format (included in rust package)
- shfmt: for shell format
- clang-format: for c/c++ format (included in clang package)
- Others:
- sqlite: for store between sessions
npm i -g neovim lua-fmt prettier
pip install pynvim
paru -S node-debug2 python-xmlformatter texlive-latexindent-meta rust shfmt \
clang wl-copy bat glow fd rg tree-sitter sqlite
This project use stow for link the configuration
stow -vt ~ nvim
- Dashboard with alpha-nvim
- Auto completion with nvim-cmp
- Formatter with formatter.nvim
- VCS git with vim-fugitive and gitsigns.nvim
- File navigation with nvim-tree
- Fuzzy finder with telescope.nvim
- Status line with lualine.nvim
- Tests with vim-test and nvim-dap
- Theme with tokyonight.nvim
- Spell for markdown, mdx and latex files, in two languages (en_us and es_es)
- Terminal with nvim-toggleterm.lua
- LSP with nvim-lspconfig
- Rust extras with rust-tools.nvim
- Notifications with nvim-notify
- Highlight with nvim-treesitter
And much more...