Created a minimal GST tax management system using python and FASTAPI
Created three roles Tax Payer,Tax Accountant,Admin
One Tax Accountant can update taxes in different Tax Payers , But Tax Payer able to see his/her details
And Tax will be added to Tax Payers account as **Total_Tax = CGST+SGST**
And also considering that if the Tax Payer is from union territory then no tax
Next_Due_Date and Tax_Paid_Date will be Updated immediately paying Tax by the Tax Payer. So, the Tax payer can able to see
Last_Tax_Paid_Date and what is the Next_Due_Date in his Account by Login.
If the Tax Payer paid the tax then his state_of_tax will be update as **Paid**
If the Due_date is exceeded then when the Tax payer will login into his account at that time state_of_tax will updated
as **Delayed**