This project demonstrates core concepts and features of the NEBA framework for Sling. It provides a demonstrative mini-CMS application for the beautiful responsive directive template set by The application was created as part of a presentation of the 2015 .adaptTo conference in Berlin, Germany.
This application demonstrates how NEBA can be used to model resources in Sling and use Spring's MVC features for Apache Sling.
A ready-to-use CMS / web application. It has purely been designed to demonstrate NEBA features.
- If you don't have a Sling instance to experiment with, download the Sling 7 Standalone Application from the official download page. Then, run the standalone jar using JDK 8 - this will install and start sling, e.g. with debugging on port 30303 using
java.exe -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=30303 -Xmx1700m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -jar
. Handy hint: Tail the error.log in sling/logs - this is the best way to see what is happening under the hood. - Install the NEBA Sling delivery bundle from, install and activate it.
- Clone this repo and run
mvn install sling:install
- this will install the application to a sling instance at localhost:8080 - Open http://localhost:8080/adaptto.html.
- You may login with any sling user, e.g. using admin/admin for the default administrative account.