Android app that loads and displays images from
This is one of my hobby projects where I test out new libraries, architectural and design patterns etc. This project is in its infancy right now and nothing much happens in terms of functionality yet.
Pics uses Model-View-Intent architecture with the help of mosbi-mvi library by Hannes Dormann. Check this series for more on that.
Create a values resource file keys.xml at app/src/main/res/values/ and add your unsplash application id
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="unsplash_id">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string>
- Home Screen with Pagination
- Image Downloading
- Details Screen UI
- Launcher widget
- Home screen pagination.
- Unsplash user login
- Download Screen
- Staggerred grid view and much more..
Homescreen | |
UI of the app is heavily influenced by Plaid app by Nick Butcher