SEC Filing Analyzer is an app for analysing EDGAR SEC filing data.
Submission for the Inter-IIT Tech Meet's High Prep event: Digital Alpha's SEC Filing Analyzer for SaaS Companies
To deploy this project run
- Step 1 - Clone the repository
git clone
- Step 2 - make a virtual environment to run the code unhindered
virtualenv venv
- Step 3 - activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
- Step 4 - change the directory
cd SEC_filing_analyser
- Step 5 - install all dependencies and make Migration
- pip install -r requirements.txt - python makemigrations - python migrate
- Step 6 - Run server
python runserver
- Step 7 - Integrate the data
- go to - Then upload the dataset.csv file and submit - Again go to
- Now the Dashboard is Complete and ready to use.
- We displayed links of the filings of 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K in the dashboard.
- We used Amazon based AWS SageMaker API and used inbuilt
functions to do the sentiment Analysis which resulted in getting positivity, negativity, certainity, uncertainity, risk, safe, litigous, fraud, sentiment, polarity, readability. - The plot for sentiment scores of each company has been displayed on its corresponding page.
- We used single call API provided by SageMaker named
for making dataset of numerous companies thorugh their tickers or CIK numbers. - After that, we converted the datset into CSV file and stored it on S3 bucket.
We hosted our website in a EC2 instance in AWS.
- We used selenium to automate browser to excel file for every CIK number by searching that CIK number on
. - These files were merged together to one by using
python package in format of CIK number v/s year of filing for displaying the links on the dashboard.
You can download the assets and Shares data through the column given
- Download the Assets Data
- Download the Shares Data.
- Aditya Soni
- Akshat Jain
- Saahil Bhavsar
- Jaimin Gajjar
- Jayant Kataria
- Joel Thomas
- Mohit Mathuria