Anti_Prop_Minge I created this to foil prop killers and prop spammers
to install, just extract the zip file and drop Anti_Prop_Minge-master into the server's addon folder
Workshop version
A series of serverside scripts i put together with the intent of preventing propkill based minges.
Falco's Prop Protecion is needed for this to work.
the server side convars:
0 = disabled, 1=enabled
apm_freeze_all_anonymity, default is 0. #decides if freezall is annonymous to non admins.
apm_prop_suicide_notification, default is 1. #decide whether to notify admins if someone is hit by their own prop.
apm_notify_on_damage, default is 0. #decide whether to notify admins if someone is damaged by a prop.
apm_freeze_on_damage, default is 0. decide whether to freeze a player's props if they damage someone.
apm_allow_prop_damage, default is 0. decide if players can be lose health or die from prop damage.
apm_allow_vehicle_damage, default is 1. decide if players can be lose health or die from getting hit by vehicles.
apm_notify_on_vehicle_damage, default is 0. decide whether to notify admins if someone is damaged by a vehicle.
apm_strict_damage_check, default is 0. decide if we use strict damage checks, it will block ALL sources of crush damage.
apm_remove_on_damage, default is 0. decide whether to freeze a player's prop if it damages someone.
apm_allow_world_damage, default is 1. decide if players can be lose health or die from world damage.
apm_print_damage_info, default is 0. decide whether to print the damage info for debuging purposes.
and the console commands:
apm_freeze_all_ents. freezes all props and physics entities on the map. ( only works from the server console or if the server thinks you are an admin)
apm_freeze_my_stuff. freezes all physics entities you own.