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Getting insights into data

Windows Sec Event

Data Ingestion Insights


Admin Searches

What indexes are used in saved searches

| rest splunk_server=* /servicesNS/-/-/configs/conf-savedsearches | rename eai:appName as app eai:acl.sharing as sharing | eval status = if(disabled=0, "Enabled" , "Disabled") | foreach cron_schedule [eval <<FIELD>> = if(len('<<FIELD>>') > 0,'<<FIELD>>', "-")] | fields app title author search cron_schedule splunk_server sharing status | join app type=left [| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/-/-/apps/local | rename title as app label as app_label | table app app_label] | search status=enabled cron_schedule!="-" | where cron_schedule!="-" | eventstats dc(title) as concurrentCron by cron_schedule | table app app_label title author sharing cron_schedule concurrentCron search | sort -concurrentCron cron_schedule app title
| search search=*index*
| fields app search
| rex field=search max_match=100 "index(?:\s=\s|=\s|\s=|=)(?<index>.*?)(?:\s|$|\)|\'|\,)"
| eval index_count=mvcount(index)
| eval index=mvdedup(index)
| fields app index_count index search

Searches per index by time searches

Get ths list of which indexes are getting searches by Number of searches, Oldest Events searched, Average, and Median. Useful for indexing strategy

index="_audit"  OR field=TERM(info=completed) NOT typeahead | rex "search_id='(?<search_id>.*?)'"  | eval search_et=if(search_et="N/A",0,search_et)  | rex "', search='(?<thesearch>.*)"| rex max_match=100 field=thesearch "index(?:\s=\s|=\s|\s=|=)(?<index>.*?)(?:\s|$|\)|\'|\,)" | eval lookback=_time-search_et  | fields search_id lookback index
| eval index=replace(index,"\"","")
| eval lookback=round(lookback/60/60/24,0)
| where lookback<1800
| stats dc(search_id) AS numOfSearches max(lookback) as oldest_event_searched_Days avg(lookback) as Average_Lookback_Days median(lookback) as Median_Lookback_Days by index
|  sort - numOfSearches
| search index!=_*

Time delay by index

| eval indexed_time=strftime(_indextime,"%+")
| eval time=strftime(_time,"%+")
| eval delayEPOCH=_time-_indextime
| eval delay=tostring(_time-_indextime, "duration")

| table delay indexed_time time _raw

All scheduled searches

| rest /services/saved/searches splunk_server=* | search is_scheduled=1 | dedup title | table title search description eai:acl:owner

What Datamodels exist (with acceleration)

| rest /services/data/models| table acceleration eai:appName title | rename eai:appName as App title as datamodel | eval acceleration=if(acceleration == 1, "True", "False”)

All Time Searches

index=_audit action="search" search="*" apiEndTime=*ZERO_TIME* | table user, apiStartTime, apiEndTime  savedsearch_name search

Size of buckets on indexers

Can be useful to see how much will archive off

| dbinspect  index=* | eval Size_GB=sizeOnDiskMB/1024
| table index state Size_GB endEpoch startEpoch

Getting insights into data

Presence of fields by EventID for Windows

This search is expensive and may push past limits on searches. Try using event sampling

index=windows | stats c by EventID | fields EventID
| map maxsearches=9999 search="search index=windows EventID=$EventID$ | fieldsummary |fields field | mvcombine field | eval EventID=$EventID$ | table EventID field"
| mvexpand field
| mvcombine EventID | fields field EventID

Find which data should go in which datamodel

This search will run very slow and is a VERY expensive search.

| fields index, tag, user, action, object_category
| eval datamodel = if(tag="alert", index."."."alert", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="listening" AND tag="port", index."."."application_state_deprecated"."."."endpoint", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="process" AND tag="report", index."."."application_state_deprecated"."."."endpoint", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="service" AND tag="report", index."."."application_state_deprecated"."."."endpoint", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="authentication" AND action!="success" AND user!="*$", index."."."authentication", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="certificate", index."."."certificates", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="change" AND NOT (object_category=file OR object_category=directory OR object_category=registry), index."."."change"."."."change_analysis_deprecated", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="dlp" AND tag="incident", index."."."data_loss_prevention", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="database", index."."."database", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="email", index."."."email", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="endpoint" AND tag="filesystem", index."."."endpoint", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="endpoint" AND tag="registry", index."."."endpoint", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="track_event_signatures" AND (signature="*" OR signature_id="*"), index."."."event_signatures", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="messaging", index."."."interprocess_messaging", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="ids" AND tag="attack", index."."."intrusion_detection", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="inventory" AND (tag="cpu" OR tag="memory" OR tag="network" OR tag="storage" OR (tag="system" AND tag="version") OR tag="user" OR tag="virtual"), index."."."inventory", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="jvm", index."."."jvm", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="malware" AND tag="attack", index."."."malware", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="network" AND tag="resolution" AND tag="dns", index."."."network_resolution_dns", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="network" AND tag="session", index."."."network_sessions", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="network" AND tag="communicate", index."."."network_traffic", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="performance" AND (tag="cpu" OR tag="facilities" OR tag="memory" OR tag="storage" OR tag="network" OR (tag="os" AND ((tag="time" AND tag="synchronize") OR tag="uptime"))), index."."."performance", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="ticketing", index."."."ticket_managment", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="update" AND tag="status", index."."."updates", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="vulnerability" AND tag="report", index."."."vulnerabilities", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="web", index."."."web", datamodel)
| rex field=datamodel "(?<index>[^\\.]+)\.(?<datamodel>.*)"
| makemv delim="." datamodel
| stats values(index) as index by datamodel

Windows Sec Event

Windows Event Blacklisting for Splunk

Requires Windows Add-On for Splunk. Add the following to inputs.conf file.

blacklist1 = EventCode="(4662|566)" Message="Object Type:(?!\s*groupPolicyContainer)"
blacklist2 = EventCode="(4656|4670|4663|4703|4658|4688)" Message="Account Name:(\W+\w+$)"
blacklist3 = EventCode="4624" Message="An account was successfully logged on"
blacklist4 = EventCode="(4688|4689)" Message="%SplunkUniversalForwarder%"
blacklist5 = EventCode="6278" Message="Network Policy Server granted full access to a user because the host met the defined health policy."

Windows Event Clean Up in Splunk

Add the following to props.conf file. If running on Splunk Cloud, this requires a Support ticket to implement on Splunk Cloud Indexers

SEDCMD-windows_security_event_formater = s/(?m)(^\s+[^:]+\:)\s+-?$/\1/g
SEDCMD-windows_security_event_formater_null_sid_id = s/(?m)(^\s+[^:]+\:)\s+-?$/\1/g s/(?m)(^\s+[^:]+\:)\s+-?$/\1/g s/(?m)(\:)(\s+NULL SID)$/\1/g s/(?m)(ID\:)(\s+0x0)$/\1/g
SEDCMD-clean_info_text_from_winsecurity_events_this_event = s/This event is generated[\S\s\r\n]+$//g
SEDCMD-clean_info_text_from_winsecurity_events_certificate_information = s/Certificate information is only[\S\s\r\n]+$//g
SEDCMD-cleansrcip = s/(Source Network Address:    (\:\:1|127\.0\.0\.1))/Source Network Address:/
SEDCMD-cleansrcport = s/(Source Port:\s*0)/Source Port:/
SEDCMD-remove-ffff_ipv6 = s/::ffff://g
SEDCMD-clean_info_text_from_winsecurity_events_token_elevation_type = s/Token Elevation Type indicates[\S\s\r\n]+$//g
SEDCMD-clean_network_share_summary = s/(?ms)(A network share object was checked to see whether.*$)//g
SEDCMD-clean_authentication_summary = s/(?ms)(The computer attempted to validate the credentials.*$)//g
SEDCMD-clean_local_ipv6 = s/(?ms)(::1)//g

SEDCMD-clean_info_text_from_winsystem_events_this_event = s/This event is generated[\S\s\r\n]+$//g

Data Ingestion Insights

This will give you indexes, and their sourcetypes with top 10 reporting hosts per index.

| tstats  values(host) as host where index=* by index | mvexpand host  
| top host by index limit=10
| fields index host
| rename host as "top_10_hosts"
| mvcombine top_10_hosts
``` Can be run independently to get the index to sourcetype mappings```
| join index [ | tstats values(sourcetype) as sourcetype where index=*  by index  | mvexpand sourcetype ]
| fields index sourcetype top_10_hosts
```7 day avg by index```
| join [ search index=_internal source=*license_usage.log* idx="*"
| timechart sum(b) as sum_b by idx span=1d limit=999
| addcoltotals | tail 1 | foreach * [ eval <<FIELD>>=(round(<<FIELD>>/1024/1024/1024,3)). " gb" ] | transpose | rename column AS index | rename "row 1" AS 7_day_gb_avg | regex index != "^_" ]

Sources by index

| tstats values(sourcetype) as sourcetype where index=*  by index

7 Day avg ingest per index

index=_internal source=*license_usage.log* idx="*"
| timechart sum(b) as sum_b by idx span=1d limit=999
| addcoltotals | tail 1 | foreach * [ eval <<FIELD>>=(round(<<FIELD>>/1024/1024/1024,3)). " gb" ] | transpose | rename column AS index | rename "row 1" AS 7_day_gb_avg | regex index != "^_" 

Top 10 Hosts by Sourcetype and Index

| tstats  values(host) as host where index=* by index | mvexpand host  
| top host by index limit=10
| fields index host
| rename host as "top_10_hosts"
| mvcombine top_10_hosts

Data Parsing Issues

index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd component=DateParserVerbose log_level=WARN 
| rex "Context:\s+source(?:=|::)(?<data_source>[^\|]+)\|host(?:=|::)(?<data_host>[^\|]+)\|(?<data_sourcetype>[^\|]+)" 
| stats count values(data_source) values(data_host) dc(data_source) dc(data_host) BY data_sourcetype

Truncation issues

index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd component=LineBreakingProcessor 
| extract 
| rex "because\slimit\sof\s(?<limit>\S+).*>=\s(?<actual>\S+)" 
| stats count avg(actual) max(actual) values(data_source) values(data_host) dc(data_source) dc(data_host) BY data_sourcetype, limit 
| eval avg(actual)=round('avg(actual)')

Line merging issues

index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd component=Aggregator* NOT "Too many events * with the same timestamp" 
| rex "\s-\s(?<message_content>.*?)\s-\sdata" 
| extract 
| stats count values(message_content) values(data_source) values(data_host) dc(data_source), dc(data_host) BY data_sourcetype

Data Feed Delays (>30mins)

| metadata type=sourcetypes index=* 
| search 
    [| inputlookup sta_all_sourcetypes.csv 
    | fields sourcetype ] 
| sort 0 - totalCount 
| eval Delay=now()-recentTime 
| rangemap default=severe field=Delay low=0-1800 
| convert ctime(recentTime) AS "Last Indexed" 
| table range, sourcetype, "Last Indexed", Delay, totalCount 
| eval Delay=tostring(Delay,"duration") 
| eval totalCount=tostring(totalCount, "commas") 
| rename totalCount AS Events, range AS Status sourcetype AS Sourcetype 
| sort + "Last Indexed"

Data With Future Timestamps

| tstats count WHERE index=* earliest=+30min@m latest=2147483647 GROUPBY sourcetype source host 
| join type=left sourcetype 
    [| metadata type=sourcetypes index=* 
    | convert ctime(*Time)] 
| stats values(host) AS Hosts values(sourcetype) AS Sourcetype values(lastTime) AS "Furthest Out Event"


Datamodel to Index/Sourcetype mapping

| tstats values(sourcetype) as sourcetype WHERE index=* by index
| mvexpand sourcetype
| join sourcetype [
| datamodel
| rex field=_raw "\"modelName\"\s*\:\s*\"(?<modelName>[^\"]+)\""
| search NOT modelName IN (Splunk_CIM_Validation)
| fields modelName
| table modelName
| map maxsearches=60 search="tstats summariesonly=true count from datamodel=$modelName$ by sourcetype | eval modelName=\"$modelName$\"" ] | fields modelName index sourcetype
| mvcombine sourcetype

Datamodel Audit credit Hurricane Labs

| rest /servicesNS/-/-/admin/macros splunk_server=local 
| search title=Cim_*_indexes 
| table title definition 
| rex field=title "cim_(?<datamodel>\w+)_indexes" 
| rename title AS macro 
| join type=outer datamodel 
    [| rest /servicesNS/nobody/-/datamodel/model splunk_server=local 
    | table title acceleration 
    | rex field=acceleration "\"enabled\":(?<acceleration_enabled>[^,\"]+)" 
    | rex field=acceleration "\"earliest_time\":\"(?<acceleration_earliest>[^\"]+)" 
    | fillnull acceleration_earliest value="N/A" 
    | rename title AS datamodel 
    | fields - acceleration] 
| join type=outer datamodel 
    [| `datamodel("Splunk_Audit", "Datamodel_Acceleration")` 
    | `drop_dm_object_name("Datamodel_Acceleration")` 
    | eval "size(MB)"=round(size/1048576,1), "retention(days)"=if(retention==0,"unlimited",round(retention/86400,1)), "complete(%)"=round(complete*100,1), "runDuration(s)"=round(runDuration,1) 
    | sort 100 + datamodel 
    | table datamodel,complete(%),size(MB),access_time 
    | eval datamodel=if(datamodel="Endpoint.Filesystem","Endpoint",datamodel)] 
| join type=outer datamodel 
    [| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/-/-/configs/conf-savedsearches 
    | search action.correlationsearch.label=* 
    | rename action.correlationsearch.label AS rule_name 
    | fields + title,rule_name,dispatch.earliest_time,dispatch.latest_time 
    | join type=outer title 
        [| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/-/-/configs/conf-savedsearches 
        | fields + title,search,disabled] 
    | rex max_match=0 field=search "datamodel\W{1,2}(?<datamodel>\w+)" 
    | rex max_match=0 field=search "tstats.*?from datamodel=(?<datamodel>\w+)" 
    | eval datamodel2=case(match(search, "src_dest_tstats"), mvappend("Network_Traffic", "Intrusion_Detection", "Web"), match(search, "(access_tracker|inactive_account_usage)"), "Authentication", match(search, "malware_operations_tracker"), "Malware", match(search, "(primary_functions|listeningports|localprocesses|services)_tracker"), "Application_State", match(search, "useraccounts_tracker"), "Compute_Inventory") 
    | eval datamodel=mvappend(datamodel, datamodel2) 
    | search datamodel=* 
    | mvexpand datamodel 
    | eval uses_tstats=if(match(search, ".*tstats.*"), "yes", "no") 
    | eval enabled=if(disabled==0, "Yes", "No") 
    | search enabled=yes 
    | stats count(rule_name) as correlation_searches_enabled by datamodel 
    | fillnull correlation_searches_enabled value="0"] 
| fieldformat access_time=strftime(access_time, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") 
| table datamodel acceleration_enabled, acceleration_earliest, macro, definition, complete(%), size(MB), correlation_searches_enabled, access_time 
| sort -acceleration_enabled definition -complete(%) size(MB)


Quick and dirty list of easy searches






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