| rest splunk_server=* /servicesNS/-/-/configs/conf-savedsearches | rename eai:appName as app eai:acl.sharing as sharing | eval status = if(disabled=0, "Enabled" , "Disabled") | foreach cron_schedule action.email.to action.email.subject [eval <<FIELD>> = if(len('<<FIELD>>') > 0,'<<FIELD>>', "-")] | fields app title author search cron_schedule action.email action.email.subject action.email.to splunk_server sharing status | join app type=left [| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/-/-/apps/local | rename title as app label as app_label | table app app_label] | search status=enabled cron_schedule!="-" | where cron_schedule!="-" | eventstats dc(title) as concurrentCron by cron_schedule | table app app_label title author sharing cron_schedule concurrentCron search | sort -concurrentCron cron_schedule app title
| search search=*index*
| fields app search
| rex field=search max_match=100 "index(?:\s=\s|=\s|\s=|=)(?<index>.*?)(?:\s|$|\)|\'|\,)"
| eval index_count=mvcount(index)
| eval index=mvdedup(index)
| fields app index_count index search
Get ths list of which indexes are getting searches by Number of searches, Oldest Events searched, Average, and Median. Useful for indexing strategy
index="_audit" OR field=TERM(info=completed) NOT typeahead | rex "search_id='(?<search_id>.*?)'" | eval search_et=if(search_et="N/A",0,search_et) | rex "', search='(?<thesearch>.*)"| rex max_match=100 field=thesearch "index(?:\s=\s|=\s|\s=|=)(?<index>.*?)(?:\s|$|\)|\'|\,)" | eval lookback=_time-search_et | fields search_id lookback index
| eval index=replace(index,"\"","")
| eval lookback=round(lookback/60/60/24,0)
| where lookback<1800
| stats dc(search_id) AS numOfSearches max(lookback) as oldest_event_searched_Days avg(lookback) as Average_Lookback_Days median(lookback) as Median_Lookback_Days by index
| sort - numOfSearches
| search index!=_*
| eval indexed_time=strftime(_indextime,"%+")
| eval time=strftime(_time,"%+")
| eval delayEPOCH=_time-_indextime
| eval delay=tostring(_time-_indextime, "duration")
| table delay indexed_time time _raw
| rest /services/saved/searches splunk_server=* | search is_scheduled=1 | dedup title | table title search description eai:acl:owner
| rest /services/data/models| table acceleration eai:appName title | rename eai:appName as App title as datamodel | eval acceleration=if(acceleration == 1, "True", "False”)
index=_audit action="search" search="*" apiEndTime=*ZERO_TIME* | table user, apiStartTime, apiEndTime savedsearch_name search
Can be useful to see how much will archive off
| dbinspect index=* | eval Size_GB=sizeOnDiskMB/1024
| table index state Size_GB endEpoch startEpoch
This search is expensive and may push past limits on searches. Try using event sampling
index=windows | stats c by EventID | fields EventID
| map maxsearches=9999 search="search index=windows EventID=$EventID$ | fieldsummary |fields field | mvcombine field | eval EventID=$EventID$ | table EventID field"
| mvexpand field
| mvcombine EventID | fields field EventID
This search will run very slow and is a VERY expensive search.
| fields index, tag, user, action, object_category
| eval datamodel = if(tag="alert", index."."."alert", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="listening" AND tag="port", index."."."application_state_deprecated"."."."endpoint", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="process" AND tag="report", index."."."application_state_deprecated"."."."endpoint", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="service" AND tag="report", index."."."application_state_deprecated"."."."endpoint", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="authentication" AND action!="success" AND user!="*$", index."."."authentication", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="certificate", index."."."certificates", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="change" AND NOT (object_category=file OR object_category=directory OR object_category=registry), index."."."change"."."."change_analysis_deprecated", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="dlp" AND tag="incident", index."."."data_loss_prevention", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="database", index."."."database", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="email", index."."."email", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="endpoint" AND tag="filesystem", index."."."endpoint", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="endpoint" AND tag="registry", index."."."endpoint", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="track_event_signatures" AND (signature="*" OR signature_id="*"), index."."."event_signatures", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="messaging", index."."."interprocess_messaging", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="ids" AND tag="attack", index."."."intrusion_detection", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="inventory" AND (tag="cpu" OR tag="memory" OR tag="network" OR tag="storage" OR (tag="system" AND tag="version") OR tag="user" OR tag="virtual"), index."."."inventory", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="jvm", index."."."jvm", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="malware" AND tag="attack", index."."."malware", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="network" AND tag="resolution" AND tag="dns", index."."."network_resolution_dns", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="network" AND tag="session", index."."."network_sessions", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="network" AND tag="communicate", index."."."network_traffic", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="performance" AND (tag="cpu" OR tag="facilities" OR tag="memory" OR tag="storage" OR tag="network" OR (tag="os" AND ((tag="time" AND tag="synchronize") OR tag="uptime"))), index."."."performance", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="ticketing", index."."."ticket_managment", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="update" AND tag="status", index."."."updates", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="vulnerability" AND tag="report", index."."."vulnerabilities", datamodel)
| eval datamodel = if(tag="web", index."."."web", datamodel)
| rex field=datamodel "(?<index>[^\\.]+)\.(?<datamodel>.*)"
| makemv delim="." datamodel
| stats values(index) as index by datamodel
Requires Windows Add-On for Splunk.
Add the following to inputs.conf
blacklist1 = EventCode="(4662|566)" Message="Object Type:(?!\s*groupPolicyContainer)"
blacklist2 = EventCode="(4656|4670|4663|4703|4658|4688)" Message="Account Name:(\W+\w+$)"
blacklist3 = EventCode="4624" Message="An account was successfully logged on"
blacklist4 = EventCode="(4688|4689)" Message="%SplunkUniversalForwarder%"
blacklist5 = EventCode="6278" Message="Network Policy Server granted full access to a user because the host met the defined health policy."
Add the following to props.conf
If running on Splunk Cloud, this requires a Support ticket to implement on Splunk Cloud Indexers
SEDCMD-windows_security_event_formater = s/(?m)(^\s+[^:]+\:)\s+-?$/\1/g
SEDCMD-windows_security_event_formater_null_sid_id = s/(?m)(^\s+[^:]+\:)\s+-?$/\1/g s/(?m)(^\s+[^:]+\:)\s+-?$/\1/g s/(?m)(\:)(\s+NULL SID)$/\1/g s/(?m)(ID\:)(\s+0x0)$/\1/g
SEDCMD-clean_info_text_from_winsecurity_events_this_event = s/This event is generated[\S\s\r\n]+$//g
SEDCMD-clean_info_text_from_winsecurity_events_certificate_information = s/Certificate information is only[\S\s\r\n]+$//g
SEDCMD-cleansrcip = s/(Source Network Address: (\:\:1|127\.0\.0\.1))/Source Network Address:/
SEDCMD-cleansrcport = s/(Source Port:\s*0)/Source Port:/
SEDCMD-remove-ffff_ipv6 = s/::ffff://g
SEDCMD-clean_info_text_from_winsecurity_events_token_elevation_type = s/Token Elevation Type indicates[\S\s\r\n]+$//g
SEDCMD-clean_network_share_summary = s/(?ms)(A network share object was checked to see whether.*$)//g
SEDCMD-clean_authentication_summary = s/(?ms)(The computer attempted to validate the credentials.*$)//g
SEDCMD-clean_local_ipv6 = s/(?ms)(::1)//g
SEDCMD-clean_info_text_from_winsystem_events_this_event = s/This event is generated[\S\s\r\n]+$//g
| tstats values(host) as host where index=* by index | mvexpand host
| top host by index limit=10
| fields index host
| rename host as "top_10_hosts"
| mvcombine top_10_hosts
``` Can be run independently to get the index to sourcetype mappings```
| join index [ | tstats values(sourcetype) as sourcetype where index=* by index | mvexpand sourcetype ]
| fields index sourcetype top_10_hosts
```7 day avg by index```
| join [ search index=_internal source=*license_usage.log* idx="*"
| timechart sum(b) as sum_b by idx span=1d limit=999
| addcoltotals | tail 1 | foreach * [ eval <<FIELD>>=(round(<<FIELD>>/1024/1024/1024,3)). " gb" ] | transpose | rename column AS index | rename "row 1" AS 7_day_gb_avg | regex index != "^_" ]
| tstats values(sourcetype) as sourcetype where index=* by index
index=_internal source=*license_usage.log* idx="*"
| timechart sum(b) as sum_b by idx span=1d limit=999
| addcoltotals | tail 1 | foreach * [ eval <<FIELD>>=(round(<<FIELD>>/1024/1024/1024,3)). " gb" ] | transpose | rename column AS index | rename "row 1" AS 7_day_gb_avg | regex index != "^_"
| tstats values(host) as host where index=* by index | mvexpand host
| top host by index limit=10
| fields index host
| rename host as "top_10_hosts"
| mvcombine top_10_hosts
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd component=DateParserVerbose log_level=WARN
| rex "Context:\s+source(?:=|::)(?<data_source>[^\|]+)\|host(?:=|::)(?<data_host>[^\|]+)\|(?<data_sourcetype>[^\|]+)"
| stats count values(data_source) values(data_host) dc(data_source) dc(data_host) BY data_sourcetype
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd component=LineBreakingProcessor
| extract
| rex "because\slimit\sof\s(?<limit>\S+).*>=\s(?<actual>\S+)"
| stats count avg(actual) max(actual) values(data_source) values(data_host) dc(data_source) dc(data_host) BY data_sourcetype, limit
| eval avg(actual)=round('avg(actual)')
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd component=Aggregator* NOT "Too many events * with the same timestamp"
| rex "\s-\s(?<message_content>.*?)\s-\sdata"
| extract
| stats count values(message_content) values(data_source) values(data_host) dc(data_source), dc(data_host) BY data_sourcetype
| metadata type=sourcetypes index=*
| search
[| inputlookup sta_all_sourcetypes.csv
| fields sourcetype ]
| sort 0 - totalCount
| eval Delay=now()-recentTime
| rangemap default=severe field=Delay low=0-1800
| convert ctime(recentTime) AS "Last Indexed"
| table range, sourcetype, "Last Indexed", Delay, totalCount
| eval Delay=tostring(Delay,"duration")
| eval totalCount=tostring(totalCount, "commas")
| rename totalCount AS Events, range AS Status sourcetype AS Sourcetype
| sort + "Last Indexed"
| tstats count WHERE index=* earliest=+30min@m latest=2147483647 GROUPBY sourcetype source host
| join type=left sourcetype
[| metadata type=sourcetypes index=*
| convert ctime(*Time)]
| stats values(host) AS Hosts values(sourcetype) AS Sourcetype values(lastTime) AS "Furthest Out Event"
| tstats values(sourcetype) as sourcetype WHERE index=* by index
| mvexpand sourcetype
| join sourcetype [
| datamodel
| rex field=_raw "\"modelName\"\s*\:\s*\"(?<modelName>[^\"]+)\""
| search NOT modelName IN (Splunk_CIM_Validation)
| fields modelName
| table modelName
| map maxsearches=60 search="tstats summariesonly=true count from datamodel=$modelName$ by sourcetype | eval modelName=\"$modelName$\"" ] | fields modelName index sourcetype
| mvcombine sourcetype
Datamodel Audit credit Hurricane Labs
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/admin/macros splunk_server=local
| search title=Cim_*_indexes
| table title definition
| rex field=title "cim_(?<datamodel>\w+)_indexes"
| rename title AS macro
| join type=outer datamodel
[| rest /servicesNS/nobody/-/datamodel/model splunk_server=local
| table title acceleration
| rex field=acceleration "\"enabled\":(?<acceleration_enabled>[^,\"]+)"
| rex field=acceleration "\"earliest_time\":\"(?<acceleration_earliest>[^\"]+)"
| fillnull acceleration_earliest value="N/A"
| rename title AS datamodel
| fields - acceleration]
| join type=outer datamodel
[| `datamodel("Splunk_Audit", "Datamodel_Acceleration")`
| `drop_dm_object_name("Datamodel_Acceleration")`
| eval "size(MB)"=round(size/1048576,1), "retention(days)"=if(retention==0,"unlimited",round(retention/86400,1)), "complete(%)"=round(complete*100,1), "runDuration(s)"=round(runDuration,1)
| sort 100 + datamodel
| table datamodel,complete(%),size(MB),access_time
| eval datamodel=if(datamodel="Endpoint.Filesystem","Endpoint",datamodel)]
| join type=outer datamodel
[| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/-/-/configs/conf-savedsearches
| search action.correlationsearch.label=*
| rename action.correlationsearch.label AS rule_name
| fields + title,rule_name,dispatch.earliest_time,dispatch.latest_time
| join type=outer title
[| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/-/-/configs/conf-savedsearches
| fields + title,search,disabled]
| rex max_match=0 field=search "datamodel\W{1,2}(?<datamodel>\w+)"
| rex max_match=0 field=search "tstats.*?from datamodel=(?<datamodel>\w+)"
| eval datamodel2=case(match(search, "src_dest_tstats"), mvappend("Network_Traffic", "Intrusion_Detection", "Web"), match(search, "(access_tracker|inactive_account_usage)"), "Authentication", match(search, "malware_operations_tracker"), "Malware", match(search, "(primary_functions|listeningports|localprocesses|services)_tracker"), "Application_State", match(search, "useraccounts_tracker"), "Compute_Inventory")
| eval datamodel=mvappend(datamodel, datamodel2)
| search datamodel=*
| mvexpand datamodel
| eval uses_tstats=if(match(search, ".*tstats.*"), "yes", "no")
| eval enabled=if(disabled==0, "Yes", "No")
| search enabled=yes
| stats count(rule_name) as correlation_searches_enabled by datamodel
| fillnull correlation_searches_enabled value="0"]
| fieldformat access_time=strftime(access_time, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
| table datamodel acceleration_enabled, acceleration_earliest, macro, definition, complete(%), size(MB), correlation_searches_enabled, access_time
| sort -acceleration_enabled definition -complete(%) size(MB)