BlueBanquise is an Ansible based stack, designed to deploy and manage large group of hosts.
Main target is High Performance Computing, but stack is generic and can adapt to any kind of architecture (University or Enterprise network, render farm, etc.).
Currently supported OS are:
Fully supported:
- RedHat/Centos 7.6
- RedHat/Centos 8.0
Ready to be included if demand (PXE ready):
- Ubuntu 18.04
- OpenSuse Leap 15.1
Debian is dropped for now because we fail to install it through PXE (modules conflicts).
Ansible >= 2.8.2 is mandatory for BlueBanquise to run properly.
OpenHPC scientific packages and OpenHPC slurm job scheduler are compatible with the stack.
BlueBanquise is part of the Algoric Project from the Fabrique du Loch FabLab.
BlueBanquise is a revamping of the old stack Banquise, based on Salt.
You may wonder where this name comes from:
Special thanks:
- to CINES who provided Algoric team with hardware to develop this stack.
- to @remyd1 for his help on Banquise original stack.
- to @bouriquet15 for his active help on the stack.
- to @actatux for his active help on the stack.