The Android App for socializing with fellow Pokemon Go players.
More Screenshots:
Uses Volley for network requests. Uses SearchableSpinner Run 'gradlew' to get the stuff
- username
- password (hashed)
- profile_image_path (should be just _pic.jpg but I left it here just in case)
- team (Instinct, Valor, or Mystic)
- time_joined (DATE_TIME)
- reputation (integer, like karma)
- post_id (int, primary key auto increment)
- user_id
- title
- caption
- time
- latitude
- longitude
- likes (positive or negative based on thumbs up/down)
- user_team
- only_visible_team (1 or 0 if it is public or only for their team)
- action_id (int, primary key auto increment)
- user_id
- post_id
- content
- likes
- time