Playing around with Docker image creation.
Most of these images are based on top of Alpine Linux to follow the pratice of making images as small and lightweight as possible. These images are generally built for my own needs but most should be available in the public repository in case anyone else finds them useful.
Nginx HTTP server.
Java + Jetty on Alpine. This provides the out of the box Jetty implementation.
Node + NPM.
Intended for local development using Typesafe's Activator platform.
Java running on Alpine.
This image provides tags for both the 64 bit Server JRE and the JDK versions depending on your needs.
Redis memory key:value store on Alpine.
Scala running on Alpine. This image is intended for development environments since you would normally deploy the Scala libraries as application dependencies.
Java Server JRE (jalpine) configured to start a Typesafe Play application.
This image is not currently in the public repository so if you wish to use it you will need to clone the repo and build the image.
Assuming you are in a Docker CLI (and have Git installed):
git clone
cd yalp
docker build -t yalp .