Chapterly is an open source android application built to help users to discover and read books seamlessly and free.
Learn more about the app on this blog post: A healthy gut equals to a longer, happier life — MealPlanner app
Inspiration: Chapterly was inspired by my struggle with limited access to free books, leading to the creation of a platform that facilitates free book discovery and reading.
Free Access: The app's mission is to provide users with easy and free access to a diverse collection of books, enabling seamless search, download, and reading experiences.
Community-Driven: Chapterly encourages user contributions of PDF books, fostering a collaborative environment that empowers individuals and promotes a shared passion for reading.
- Download any of the books and read for free
- Search for books from a database of over 500+ books
- Get daily book recommendations
- Track your reading progress with a clean material designed UI
- Upload your own books to share with the world
- Material You dynamic theming
- Dark mode
If you prefer to install the app directly on your Android device without using Android Studio, you can download the APK file from the releases section. Once downloaded, install the APK on your device to start reading!
Follow these steps to run Chapterly on your local device:
- Open a terminal window.
- Change the current working directory to the location where you want to clone the repository.
- Run the following command to clone the repository:
git clone
To access the Chapterly database, you need the google-services.json file. Please contact me at [email protected] to obtain this file.
- Open Android Studio.
- Click on "Open an existing Android Studio project."
- Navigate to the directory where you cloned Chapterly and select it.
- Build and Run
- Build the project using the build button in the toolbar or by pressing Ctrl + F9 (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + F9 (Mac).
- Run the app on an emulator or a connected device using the run button in the toolbar or by pressing Shift + F10 (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + R (Mac).
Chapterly is built with a robust technology stack to provide a seamless reading experience:
- Kotlin: The app is developed using the Kotlin programming language.
- Gradle KTS: Utilizes Gradle KTS (Kotlin Script) for build automation, making the build process more concise and expressive.
- Firebase: Leverages Firebase services for backend functionalities such as authentication and cloud storage.
- Dagger Hilt: Employs Dagger Hilt for efficient dependency injection, ensuring a modular and maintainable codebase.
- Jetpack Compose: Takes advantage of Jetpack Compose for building modern and reactive UIs with a declarative syntax.
- Coil: Integrates Coil for image loading, providing efficient and customizable image loading capabilities.
- Coroutines: Implements Kotlin Coroutines to simplify asynchronous programming and enhance app responsiveness.
- ViewModel: Utilizes Android ViewModel to manage UI-related data and handle the app's lifecycle.
- WorkManager: Incorporates WorkManager for background task scheduling, ensuring efficient execution of tasks like data synchronization.
We welcome contributions from the community! If you'd like to contribute to Chapterly, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
- Push your changes to your fork.
- Submit a pull request to the
branch of the Chapterly repository.
If you have a PDF book that you'd like to contribute to Chapterly, or if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Thank you for your interest in Chapterly! Happy Reading! ❤️