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    This is a set of different files and scripts to create user defined maps for the Garmin's Etrex 10
    The mapping information is provided by OpenStreetMap

    Given the following file structure


    Download and install

    Download maps

    Other tools

    Etrex 10

    This is the low end Garmin GPS device with very limited resources. Some say it is too basic, but given the right tools it can be a marvel and it has very good battery life!
    The idea is to have a map as large as possible with a minimal number of features required for your activity.
    The above mentioned tools will help you split and reduce the size of the map to fit in your device (max 5 to 7 MB).
    Also reserve some memory space for route tracking and extra POI
    The different Python scripts will assist you in creating the proper maps, ready to be processed by mkgmap
    You can also use the web site to select portions of maps to download

    Files in E10 directory

    The files in directory ./Maps/E10 (relations, lines, points, etc...) give the rules for element extraction and rendering on the GPS device

    Examples lines (show rivers at different resolution with different rendering:

    (waterway=river | waterway=canal | waterway=drain) & tunnel!=yes {name '${name}'} [0x1f resolution 18]
    waterway=stream & tunnel!=yes [0x18 resolution 22]

    Example point (show usefull POI's when wandering):

    amenity~'biergarten|cafe|restaurant|bar|pub' {name '${name}'} [0x4600 resolution 24 default_name 'Cafe']
    amenity=toilets [0x4e00 resolution 22 default_name 'Wc']
    amenity=drinking_water|drinking_water=yes|drinkable=yes [0x5000 resolution 22 default_name 'Drink']

    By giving a default name you can then search on the device for the nearest amenity

    There are also rules to abbreviate names on the map, show routes that are part of relations (trails, bike routes, bus routes, etc.)

    By tailoring those files, you can add or remove information that gets displayed on the device

    Mkgmap & Overpass

    Here is a simple example to get a map of island of Elba

    cd Maps  
    wget -O elba.osm "[out:xml];node(poly:\"42.70363 10.09403 42.70363 10.45383 42.87622 10.45383 42.87622 10.09403 42.70363 10.09403\");( ._; <;);out body;"
    ... or ...
    wget -O elba.osm "[out:xml];(area[name=\"Isola d'Elba\"][place=island];)->.x;(node(area.x);<;way(area.x);<;relation(area.x);<<;);out body;"
    java -Xmx6000m -jar ".\mkgmap\mkgmap.jar" --style-file=".\e10" --gmapsupp --latin1 --add-pois-to-lines --add-pois-to-areas --check-styles --family-id=1000 --product-id=1 --output-dir=".\output\Elba" ".\Elba.osm" ".\e10\e10.txt"  
    copy /B ".\output\Elba\gmapsupp.img" ".\output\Elba\gmapbmap.img"

    Have a look at for other variants or the documentation of the OverPassApi

    Batch files


    Create a single map (gmapbmap.img) from an .osm input file and style directory
    MakeSingle.bat "file_to_process(.osm)" "style_direcory"


    Create a multiple map (splitter.jar and gmapbmap.jar) from an .osm input file and style directory, the input file is split first
    Make.bat "file_to_process(.osm)" "style_direcory"


    Uses the OverpassApi to fetch the data and pass it to mkgmap for rendering
    Example: Get.bat Hong-Kong.dat


    Those scripts are by no mean fully fledged applications, just quick&dirty code to get the job done. They can be hacked and adapted to automate repetitive processes, like regenerating the data for a map every so often.

    Create a gpx file given a relation number. This can be used by the script to create bounding boxes

    Given a gpx file, find all bounding boxes of a given surface The output can be be passed to the site

    This contains functions to get data from with samples of different methods.

    This will extract polygons defined in geojson format from in a format suitable for Overpass API
    It will also output lines and points coordinates in different formats, to paste into your queries.


    • draw a square around Elba island, using, save it as "map.geojson"
    • execute python "map.geojson" => node(poly:"42.70363 10.09403 42.70363 10.45383 42.87622 10.45383 42.87622 10.09403 42.70363 10.09403");
    • copy/paste the node info into the next line
    •[out:xml];*node(poly:"42.70363 10.09403 42.70363 10.45383 42.87622 10.45383 42.87622 10.09403 42.70363 10.09403");*( ._; <;);out body;
    • rename the output file Elba.osm"
      This will give you an 18MB of data

    When you use the MakeSingle.Bat file, you will get a 282KB file (gmapbmap) that can be copied to your Etrex10 device.

    You can also use this script to help the creation of POI files(.gpx or .csv) to download via POILoaderforWindows

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    Tools for working with Garmin's Etrex10






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