This application is a API to calculate days, weekdays and weeks between two dates. Timzones and two different output types are currently supported.
Spring Boot (Java), Docker
- The goal of this project is to provide a simple API to calculate days, weekdays and weeks between two dates.
- This application should eventually be showcasing deployment in the cloud utilising a complete CI/CD Toolchain to test, build and deploy the application.
- Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes or Google Kubernetes Engine should be used.
- Eventually all best practices should be included in a simple but production ready state.
This project is in development and not yet production ready.
- Installation
- Usage
- Build and Deploy
- TODO's
- License
This guide describes how to run the application on a local linux machine.
- Docker Environment needs to be installed.
- Instructions are written for Ubuntu.
- execute
sudo -s
in command line to copy and paste the following commands, otherwise sudo is always needed.
- pull image from dockerhub:
docker pull jp052/datetime-api
- run detached:
docker run --name datetime-api-container -d -p 8080:8080 jp052/datetime-api
- run with console output:
docker run --name datetime-api-container -p 8080:8080 jp052/datetime-api
- Start container, when it was created already: docker start datetime-api-container
- Dockerhub repo:
- Java needs to be installed
- Download Jar located in git repo: datetime-api/installer/datetime-api-v1.0.0.jar
- Run jar:
java -jar ./datetime-api-v1.0.0.jar
This guide demonstrates how to use the datetime api, with all available enpoints and query parameters.
- When run locally use: http://localhost:8080
- Full example URL:
- /api/v1/datetime/days
- /api/v1/datetime/weekdays
- /api/v1/datetime/weeks
- startDateTime and endDateTime
- Use ISO DateTime Format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g. "2000-10-31T01:30:00.000-05:00"
- Example: /api/v1/datetime/days?startDateTime=2018-09-05T05:30&endDateTime=2018-09-10T05:30
- startZone and endZone
- any Java Timezone Id is supported, see:
- Example: startZone=Australia/Adelaide
- format
- Pass any value to format output in years:hours:minuts:seconds
- Example:
This guide shows all steps necessary to build the app and publish image to Dockerhub on a local machine
- navigate console into project directory
- run maven clean install in cmd or IDE to run tests and build application:
./mvnw clean install
- delte old container:
docker rm <contaierId>
- delte old image:
docker rmi -f imageId>
- build new image:
docker build -t datetime-api .
- test new image:
docker-compose up
- tag image:
docker tag datetime-api jp052/datetime-api
- login dockerhub:
docker login --username jp052 --password mypw
- push:
docker push jp052/datetime-api
All open todo's are listed as an overview here. (should be replaced
- Refactor code in DateTimeService methods
- Add timezone test for weekdays and weeks endpoint
- Add custom exception and error handling
- Add checking with custom exceptions for wrong date and timezone formats
- Add code overview documentation explaining architecture and packages in github wiki
- Add failing tests
- Deploy application to a cloud service (Amazon or Google)
- Implement Jenkins Toolchain to build, test and deploy the application
- Add Rest documentation using Swagger or Spring REST Docs
- Add and configure FindBugs
- Add HATEOAS support when adding CRUDL controller with database
UNLICENSE. Please visit the UNLICENSE.txt for more information.