This is the Android device configuration for Xperia Z
To setup a tree and build images for the device do the following:
repo init as described by Google over at:
Put the following snippet in .repo/local_manifests/c6603.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remote name="sony" fetch="git://" />
<remove-project name="platform/hardware/qcom/camera" />
<remove-project name="platform/hardware/qcom/display" />
<remove-project name="platform/hardware/qcom/keymaster" />
<remove-project name="platform/hardware/qcom/media" />
<remove-project name="platform/hardware/qcom/msm8960" />
<remove-project name="platform/hardware/qcom/power" />
<remove-project name="platform/hardware/qcom/sensors" />
<remove-project name="platform/hardware/invensense" />
<project path="device/sony/lagan" name="device-sony-lagan" groups="device" remote="sony" revision="master" />
<project path="device/sony/c6603" name="device-sony-c6603" groups="device" remote="sony" revision="master" />
Download the zip file with vendor binaries from:
In the root of your Android code tree unzip the, you should now have a directory named vendor/sony/lagan and vendor/sony/c6603 in your tree.
- repo sync
- lunch full_c6603-userdebug
- make
To flash the images produced make sure your device is unlocked, as described on
Enter fastboot mode on the device by pressing volume up while inserting the USB cable or execute adb reboot bootloader.
- fastboot flash userdata out/target/product/c6603/userdata.img
- fastboot flashall
Reflashing userdata is not necessary every time, but incompatibilities with previous content might result in a device that doesn't boot. If this happens try to reflash just the userdata again.