The JrettyLog is a simple, generic and flexible logging library for Java, which can work with other logging frameworks, like log4j or logback. And it is a facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks (e.g. java.util.logging, logback, log4j) allowing the end user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time. It is not only a facade, but also provides some useful decorations for common logging frameworks, such as log monitoring, online log viewer, configuration dynamic refreshing (See it's Extended library log-monitor).
- fast, small and has no dependencies.
- concise api, easy to use.
- support all frequently-used loggers. like log4j, logback, commong-logging, jdk logger.
- support custom extensions. custum-made your own logger.
- support using with LogMonitor (a Web console, dynamic configuration and online view).
For example:
public Logger logger = LogFactory.getLogger(); // Concise API
// use placeholder, and it's more efficient than other loggers (log4j, logback...)
logger.error("hello {}, now time is {}. ", "guys", new java.util.Date());
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { // control code block
int count = records.count();
logger.trace("this poll got {} records.", count);
int id = 100;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// add additional tips for exception.
"Additional tips: unexpected exception occurred. The param id = {}.", id);
时值2013年,日志记录工具仍然以log4j 1.2为主流,但是logback+slf4j崛起,主打性能的提升。同样,作为一个全新的日志工具,jretty-log也在前辈log4j的基础上,尽最大力量提高性能。要知道,日志API作为使用非常频繁的API,即便有丝微的性能提高,都是很可观的。同样,这么高频使用的API,易用性更是非常重要。
- jretty-log改进了日志API,记录方式更易用,比如 Logger log = LogFactory.getLogger(),通过反射自动获取类名作为loggre名称;比如log.error(e, msgPattern, args...),这个API是全新设计的,能够给异常堆栈信息添加额外的说明,比如记录发生异常时的参数信息,实用指数5颗星。
- jretty-log改进了日志API,记录方式更高效,比如 logger.debug(msgPattern, arg...) 配合 logger.debug(msgPattern, arg1, arg2),让2个参数的调用无需再转换成数组形式,有一定性能优势。
- jretty-log配置简单,支持自动识别项目中的日志框架(log4j、logback),可以零配置,支持配置的扩展(比如从数据库,或者远程的zk配置中心获取配置)
- jretty-log扩展性极强,不但天生支持日志监控,还支持自定义logger wrapper,日志拦截、过滤之类的功能非常灵活。