Tools for testing EAI compliance of mail software
These are the software we used to for tests of EAI conformance. There is a web application to track and report test results, some scripts to do MSA, MTA, and MDA tests, and two scripts to extract results into Excel XLSX files or store them into Google Sheets spreadsheets.
They are provided with no support and no promise they will work in other environments. Many of the tests involve sending a test message and then looking at it after it is received. Since test environments don't always provide a reliable way to send or receive EAI messages, some tests use ssh to a remote server to submit or retrieve messages, or call sendmail on the local host to send messages.
The scripts were run under python 3.8 and 3.9. The database was MySQL 5.7. The web application was run under mod_wsgi in Apache 2.4 but should work on any WSGI server.
John Levine, Standcore LLC, October 2020
These need the python modules bottle, beaker, pymysql
eaitest.sql: Creates database tables Main web app module Database module for web app
views, static: templates and static files
These need python modules requests, paramiko, imapclient Base module for test Do MSA tests Do MTA tests Do MDA tests Web API client to manage results in the web server database
config.txt: Target configuration parameters that tests use. Write results in XLSX spreadsheets. Needs python module xlsxwriter. Write results in Google sheets. Needs python modules for the Google API. Load test descriptions from CSV files Load products to test from CSV file