This application will calculate, and may sign and transmit, the required payouts for accounts delegating to a given account. It also may send some rewards to a burn address, depending on fork, epoch, and configuration.
The application implements the rules fo the Mina Foundation and O1 Labs Delegation Program requirements, including:
- All the rewards should be sent back to the delegators. Only the commision rate should be kept by the Block Producer.
- Prior to the first hard fork, any supercharged rewards for the blocks won by Mina Foundation should be sent to the burn address:
- The supercharged rewards of the blocks won by the delegators who requested to burn their supercharged rewards should be sent to the burn address:
It is a public address without a private key. The tokens held by this address are locked forever. - The memo field of the payback and burn transaction should contain the md5 value of the block producer's public key that received the delegation.
Payouts may be calculated (and then sent) for a specific range of block heights, or for an entire epoch. Details on the calculation can be found in Payout
npm run payout -- -e [epoch number] -f [fork number]
will run the calculation for a specific epoch on a specific fork number, beginning with fork 0.npm run payout -- -e [epoch number] -f [fork number] -h [dry run hash]
will re-run the calculation, confirm they match the original run, and then automatically send payments to the network.
npm run payout -- -m [min block height] -x [max block height]
will run the calculation for a specific range of block heights. Min block and Max block heights will be included. -
npm run payout -- -m [min block height] -x [max block height] -h [dry run hash]
will re-run the calculation, confirm they match the original run, and then automatically send payments to the network. -
In between runs, depending on your key management process, you may need to transmit funds to the wallet that is configured to make the payments. This is assumed to be an offline process and is intentionally not automated to support movement of funds from a cold wallet to a hot wallet used for payments. Note that you must wait for the funding transaction to complete before running the final payout.
The blocks that were paid will be saved and will be excluded from future runs. (If you need to re-run for some reason, the processed blocks are saved in src/data/.paidblocks)
For more details, see [In Depth](#In Depth Configuration & Operation) below
- Install nodejs/typescript/npm
git clone
cd mina-pool-payout
npm install
cp sample.env .env
Edit file to set environment variables:
nano .env
to your node public key
to your commission rate
to a value that will be used for the memo of your payouts (except mina foundation payout)
to your sender private key
to your local node or a proxy e.g. SEND_PAYMENT_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT=
to a payout data provider root endpoint e.g. PAYOUT_DATA_PROVIDER_API_ENDPOINT=
Because the payout script can send payments, it is recommended to generate and use an isolated keypair for these payouts. You may want to rotate this key periodically as well.
A keypair can be created with the mina-generate-keypair application and then exported with the mina application.
For example:
mina-generate-keypair --privkey-path keys/payout-key-2024
mina advanced dump-keypair --privkey-path keys/payout-key-2024
- Access to a Mina Archive database, or to the MinaExplorer graphql API (until hardfork), or to a mina-payout-data-provider API endpoint such as
- If payments are to be sent, access to a graphql endpoint that can send signed transactions is required. This may be your own node, or third party proxy.
Before to send any payout please make sure:
- Execute the payout script in a dry run mode first. (DO NOT set -h as a parameter).
- Verify / check all the outputs of the script as highlighted in the image below.
- Make sure the total payout amount is valid and aligned with the details displayed during the execution of the script.
- Make sure the total amount to BURN is valid and aligned with the details displayed during the execution of the script.
- Make sure the total coinbase amount is valid and aligned with the details displayed during the execution of the script.
- You can see more details by enabling the debug mode. This can be achieved by adding --verbose=true to the command line.
Copy sample.env
to .env
and make the following changes within the .env
ARCHIVEDB will use the database connection string to get blocks and the current max height, and will expect [hash].json files for the ledgers being processed.
MINAEXPLORER will use endpoint specified in MINAEXPLORER_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT (expect: to get blocks and the staking ledger
API will use an endpoint specified in PAYOUT_DATA_PROVIDER_API_ENDPOINT (one available endpoint is
to the commission your pool charges unknown delegators. (Mina Foundation and O1 delegations have separate configurations in the .env file, and you can set override rates for known delegators -- see "Using payor specific commission rates" below.) -
to the commission your pool charges for Mina Foundation delegations, if any. Mina Foundation maximum rate was .05 from inception until delegation cycle 10, after which the maximum allowable is 0.08. -
to the commission your pool charges for O(1) Labs delegations, if any. -
to the commission your pool charges for Investors delegations, if any. the defaul value is 0.08. -
to the public key of the pool account being tracked for payouts. This should be the block producer public key. -
to the DiscordID or other message to be sent in the payout memo field. Note that in case of Mina Foundation is the winner, the memo will be forced to the md5 hash value of the BP Key. -
to the transaction fee for payout transactions. It is specified in the .env file in MINA, but will be translated to NANOMINA for the actual payment transactions. Double check that this is in Mina! -
to a minimum threshold which payout amounts must exceed to be sent. Default is 0, and payout transaction amount must exceed this number to be sent. Also specified in Mina! -
to the sender private key The private key value can be retrieved from a pk file by running the mina advanced dump-keypair command, e.g.
mina advanced dump-keypair --privkey-path keys/my-payout-wallet
to the sender public key. It can also be blank if generating ephemeral keys. -
to whatever number of confirmed blocks you require before paying out. Default to 290 or "k" to use the assumed network finality.
The process will include blocks at a height up to the lower of MAX_HEIGHT
and the current tip minus MIN_CONFIRMATIONS
To clarify - MAX_HEIGHT
only applies below the minimum confirmation window. (i.e. Given a current block height of 1,500; MAX_HEIGHT
of 290, the process will consider blocks up to height 1210 (1500-290). If MAX_HEIGHT
were set to 1,000, then the process would consider blocks up to height 1000.)
- Populate
with the connection string for your archive node Postgresql instance. This will typically look something like:
to the url of a graphql server that can send transactions. (e.g. ) This is required to transmit payout transactions; payouts will be broadcast via this endpoint. -
Note @vanphandinh / beaconchain#8571 has provided a graphql proxy which can be used to transmit payments
minaexplorer provides a graphql endpoint that will shutdown at Hard Fork of mainnet:
to the url of the mina explorer graphql api if the block data source is set to minaexplorer. -
or to the url of the preferred data provider. -
(default) for the calculator that will have the Pool keep all fees. Valid calculators include: 'postSuperChargeShareFees', 'postSuperChargeKeepFees', 'postSuperChargeCommonShareFees', or Pre-Fork: 'isolateSuperCharge', 'original'
- Export the staking ledger and place it in src/data/ledger directory. You can export the current staking ledger with:
mina ledger export staking-epoch-ledger > staking-epoch-ledger.json
- and the next epoch's ledger is available via:
mina ledger export next-epoch-ledger > next-epoch-ledger.json
- The files can then be hashed and renamed with:
mina ledger hash --ledger-file staking-epoch-ledger.json | xargs -I % cp staking-epoch-ledger.json %.json
mina ledger hash --ledger-file next-epoch-ledger.json | xargs -I % cp next-epoch-ledger.json %.json
You can control whether payouts for a specific key should be skipped or redirected to another key. This is configured with a file named ".substitutePayTo" which should be placed in the src/data directory. The file is pipe-delimited and contains 2 columns - the first column is the public key to consider, and the second is either the keyword "EXCLUDE", or the payout address to redirect payments to.
- Public Key|EXCLUDE
- Public Key|Redirected To Public Key
- Public Key|SPLIT|Second public key|Fraction
In the example content below, the first row would cause any payouts to the first key to not be sent. This may be useful for the pool operator's keys. The second row would cause any payouts to the key ending in WCvh to be sent instead to the key ending in Ez3yB. This is useful for redirecting new tokens that would be paid to a locked account to go to an unlocked account instead. The third row would split the payout such that 0.4*payout (40 percent of the payout) goes to the key ending in WCvh and the rest to the key ending in Ez3yB.
To enable these features, create a file src/data/.substitutePayTo and configure it according to your situation.
You can use payor specific commission rates. They will override the value of COMMISSION_RATE
based on the public key specified. To use this feature,
please create a file named ".negotiatedFees" in the src/data directory. The file should contain a list of "public key|commission rate|" combination. Note that the fee should be expressed as a number (can be a decimal).
If no file is present, the process will use the default COMMISSION_RATE
Some delegates may request that a pool burn a portion of their rewards. The payout will burn a specific percentage of the rewards that would have been paid out ot a delegate if specified. To use this feature, create a file named .negotiatedBurn in the src/data directory. The file should contain rows in the format: "puyblic key|burn percentage". The burn percentage shoudl be expressed as a number. For example, the following configuration would would burn 5.05% of the payout to the specific key.
You can add accounts as non-participating and burn their supercharged coinbase. This is configured with a file named ".burnSupercharged" which should be placed in the src/data directory. Simply place the public key address in the .burnSupercharged file and the process will treat that key similar to Investor and MF keys and will burn any supercharged coinbase they create, and will put the account in the non-participating payout pool (they will never earn a part of supercharged coinbases.) If you use the standard payout (not isolate supercharged) then they may still be weighted if unlocked, but by default will not receive any supercharged coinbase unless you have changed the code to run the original payout calculator.
You can run payout for full epoch by using the command -e={EPOCH_NUMBER}
. This will ignore any min or max height if provided. Example:
npm run payout -- -e=14
The program will get min and max block height for the epoch from mina explorer, or calculate based on fixed slots in epoch for Archivedb. Note this is based on the .env file setting NUM_SLOTS_IN_EPOCH which is currently 7140 per mainnet consensus parameters.
- Run
npm install
to install the project dependencies. - Run
npm run payout -- -m={MIN_BLOCK} [-x={MAX_BLOCK}]
to run the script as a dry run, where{MIN_BLOCK}
is the lowest blockheight to process, and{MAX_BLOCK}
is the highest blockheight to process. This will not transmit any actual payments and will output a hash of the payment details. - Run
npm run payout -- -m={MIN_BLOCK} [-x={MAX_BLOCK} -h={PAYOUT_HASH}
is the hash produced during the dry run in the prior step. If this run produces the same hash (i.e. nothing has changed since the dry run), then the signed payment(s) will be transmitted.
For example, this will process blocks 0-1000, output a summary table, write detailed data to files, and provide a hash of the payouts it intends to make.
npm run payout -- -m=0 -x=1000
After verifying the results and confirming you are ready to payout, but adding the -h parameter with the hash provided by the output above, as long as the calculations are the same, the payments will be signed and sent.
npm run payout -- -m=0 -x=1000 -h=84cd21b7b566dc1c84cf06039462e013851df483ad61c229d1830285934dcae2
NOTE: Prior versions also output the entire calculation list for every block. That is now suppressed by default, but still visible by using a -verbose (or -v) flag at runtime. For example: npm run payout -- -m=0 -x=1000 -v=true
The process will output summary information to the console, and will generate several files under the src/data directory. Files will include:
./src/data/payout_details_[datetime_minblock_maxblock].json - contains the detailed calculations for each delegator key at each block.
./src/data/payout_transactions_[datetime_minblock_maxblock].json - contains the list of payout transactions that should be sent.
./src/data/[nonce].json - contains a signed transaction for each payment that should be sent. These are also broadcast to the network on the graphql endpoint.
The process will also maintain a list of blocks for which it generated signed payout transactions. These are stored in .paidblocks:
./src/data/.paidblocks - contains block height number and statehash for each block that has been processed
.paidblocks is used to filter future runs - so that you will not duplicate payouts by running repeatedly. This file may need to be manipulated if you sign but do not send transactions and want to reprocess a block. By removing a block (or several) from the paidblocks file, the process will calculate (and can payout) those blocks again.
Sometimes a transaction is successfully sent to the node, but then fails to actually send in the network. As of 5/11/2022, the application will continue to generate, sign, and store .gql files for each transaction; however, it will no longer attempt to send transactions to the network after encountering a failure. Instead, the transactions not sent can be resent using the resend command.
npm run resend -- -fromNone=[nonce] -toNonce=[nonce]
All attempted payouts are automatically logged in the src/data directory. The resend command will scan the src/data directory for files named .gql, and attempt to resend all files that have a nonce (based on the file name) equal to or between the supplied parameters. (The from/to parameters can be shortened: -fromNonce
alias -f; -toNonce
alias -t.)
For example, npm run resend -- -f=3102 -t=3104
will try to re-transmit any files it finds named 3102.gql up to 3104.gql. This command uses the graphql endpoint specified in the .env file.
Some pools may want to use other sending strategies and have requested to simply generate signed files without attempting to send them. This is now supported with the command line parameter -doNotTransmit
or -d
For example npm run payout -- -e 76 -f 0 -h eb630596e9805a163d4720f9a0fd5f44e7087628 -d
will generate the nonce.gql files but will not attempt to broadcast the transactions.
Inspired by minaexplorer - mina-payout-script This started out as a port from the original, but has morphed a fair amount. As of PR 59, direct comparisons between the two are no longer expected to produce the same results. The main differences vs. the Mina Explorer implementation include:
- mina-payout-script spreads an unlocked key's weighted supercharged award across the entire epoch if it will unlock at any point during the epoch. mina-pool-payout will only supercharge an account after it is unlocked.
- mina-pool-payout will (as of PR 59) reserve supercharged rewards entirely for unlocked keys versus spreading the supercharged award across normal coinbase blocks as well. This will result in more variability in unlocked payout versus mina-payout-script.
- mina-pool-payout will (as of PR 107) burn supercharged rewards if the block was created by keys specified by Mina Foundation as be owned by MF or "investors".
Using node:crypto, createHash('md5').update(BPKEY).digest('hex')
The supercharged portion that should be burned is sent to the burn address when payments are sent.
(see getMemoMd5Hash)