Fast C++ implementation of selective search with python wrapper.
- GCC / Clang
- OpenCV
- Python2 and Numpy
Firstly, config your opencv path if necessary in the Makefile
OPENCV_INCLUDE = -I/your/opencv/include
OPENCV_LIBRARY = -L/your/opencv/lib
and compile the codes:
$ make -j8
Then, run the demo:
$ ./example
$ python2
[1] Felzenszwalb P F, Huttenlocher D P. Efficient graph-based image segmentation[J]. International journal of computer vision, 2004, 59(2): 167-181.
[2] Uijlings J R R, Van De Sande K E A, Gevers T, et al. Selective search for object recognition[J]. International journal of computer vision, 2013, 104(2): 154-171.
The code for the segmentation is from: