This project is the basis for a new toolpathing engine to suppliment skeinforge in the MakerBot/3D printer community. The engine is C++ based.
This project is laid out in the following directory tree (roughly)
- documentation/ Documentation
- configs/ Eclipse project, personal stuff
- src/ Source Code for the project MiracleGrue
- json-cpp/ library to read/write JSON text files (configuration)
- mgl/ the Miracle-Grue library
- the main file
- unit_tests/ various test programs (using cppunit)
- inputs/ Some stl input files for demo
- test_cases/ unit test input and output files
- site_scons build files for qt
- submodule/
- EzCppLog/
- json-cpp/
- libthing/
- optionparser/
- toolpathviz/
** miracle.config ** This is the default configuration file for Miracle-Grue. It contains information like the layer height, the nb of shells, and the infill pattern. When miracle-grue executes, it looks for a 'miracle.config' in the current directory, unless -c is used to specify a different config file.
** SConstruct ** This file contains instructions to build the project. It is the Makefile equivalent for the scons tool.
** ** This file contains a guide to install the tools on various platforms and compile the code (using scons instead of makefiles). Please read to get your hacking started.
** Running Miracle-Grue ** There are are few programs generated by the build:
*** bin/miracle-grue ***
this is the skein engine. It needs a config file (-c option) and a 3D model file
Usage: miracle-grue [OPTION] [FILE]
example: bin/miracle-grue c=my_print.config inputs/3D_Knot.stl
Options: c=[configuration file name](default looks for miracle.config in the current directory) f=[first layer height] l=[layer height] w=[layer width] t=[space between infill 'tubes'] s=[angle between slices for infill]
*** tests/xxxUnitTest ***
the tests directory contains unit test programs. The generated output for these tests is sent to the test_case directory.