Author: Jarome Leslie
Date: 2021-10-11
With the goal of expanding on Sparkify's existing data warehouse platform, this project involves the creation of a data lake using Apache Spark. First, the raw directories of JSON logs and song files are loaded from an AWS S3 bucket s3://udacity-dend/
. Next the data is transformed into a five different tables, then written to partitioned parquet files to their respective table directories in the S3 bucket s3://udacity-workspace/
With this tool, the Sparkify team is provided the greater capability of querying their data to ask and more efficiently answer questions about their expanding user base.
The diagram below illustrates how the Sparkify database is modeled using the Star Schema and is centred around the songplay Fact table. Supporting its definition are four Dimension tables: songs, users, artists, and time. As highlighted in the diagram, the tables have been partioned in the following way:
- the songplays table is partitioned by year and month, based on the start_time field;
- the time table is partitioned by year and month; and
- the songs table is partitioned by year and artist.
The source files provided include logs and song data. With respect to logs, event files for each day of November 2018 were provided in json
format. In terms of songs, a subset of the Million Song Dataset is provided as a collection of files in json
- To run the data pipeline, run the
Leveraging the computing resources of AWS EMR, can improve the execution from the X hours required locally to the Y minutes achieved using the below prescribed configuration. Prior to executing the below steps, it is important to create an IAM user with the AmazonS3FullAccess
Create an EMR cluster as follows:
aws emr create-cluster --name udacity-spark-proj --use-default-roles\ --release-label emr-5.28.0 --instance-count 3 --applications Name=Spark\ --ec2-attributes KeyName=AWS_EC2_Personal,SubnetIds=subnet-0f756913b00e7b3ac\ --instance-type m5.xlarge --profile personal
Enable port forwarding as follows:
ssh -i <path to local pem file> -N -D 8157 hadoop@<Public IPv4 DNS>
Copy AWS certification file to EMR cluster as follows:
scp -i <identity file> <path to local pem file> -N -D 8157 hadoop@<Public IPv4 DNS>:/home/hadoop
Connect to EMR cluster using the command:
ssh -i <path to local identity file> hadoop@<Public IPv4 DNS>
Execute Spark job using the command below:
/usr/bin/spark-submit --master yarn ./
Terminate EMR cluster after job is completed
terminate-clusters --cluster-ids <value>