Alpha - Chameleon
New Features:
- Clusters and Groups that do not have nodes can be connected by overriding the ltail or lhead attributes with the desired Cluster or Group object name by reference.
For example:
with Graph():
with Cluster() as cluster_a:
with Cluster() as cluster_b:
a = Node("A")
b = Node("B")
c = Node("C")
with Cluster() as cluster_c:
with Cluster() as cluster_d:
d = Node("D")
e = Node("E")
Flow([c, e],
Bugs Squashed:
- Removed support for hues in themes
- Removed reference to a useless base _Theme class
- Removed the validate_node function for a simpler and more universal inline solution
- Updated the word_wrap function to use the max_length to determine the wrap point
- Cleaned up the core code to improve overall quality score
- Added additional tests for Themes, Clusters, and Groups to bring coverage from 68% to 98%
- Updated the with some new badges
- Updated the script to use spaces instead of tabs for indentation