Title: RailsDeCal 2016 Project 2: STORY Team Members: Leeren Chang, Iris Chen, Ian Lee, Justin Luke Demo Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yk1yjh469k3b99z/Stories%20Screen%20Cast.mov?dl=0 Heroku Link: https://mysterious-beyond-93557.herokuapp.com/
Idea: An application where users can have fun collaboratively creating stories.
Models and Description: User has username, url, email, password, points, posts, stories
Story has beginning, has score, and belongs to a User
Post has content, has success, has score, belongs to a Story, and belongs to a User
Features: Users can log in Users can create Stories and Posts Users can like, un-like, dislike, un-dislike Stories and Posts Users can have points (compete with other Users) Users can have a profile picture
Division of Labor: Leeren: Made models, controllers, seed, point thresholds, screencast Iris: Made upvote/downvote feature, user profile picture, seed, CSS, views Ian: Made Post/Story controller functions, seed, points, CSS, Bootstrap Justin: Made sorting feature, upvote/downvote calculations, validations, seed, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, Heroku