Hello! I'm @jtsiddons 🐟
I am a research data scientist. I work primarily in the field of graphical data science, working on the inference of relationships between elements within the data.
- I am interested in analysing plankton data using Julia.
- I use graphical analysis tools to visualise associations/interactions between pairs of plankton species.
- I use Lasso.jl to detect pairwise relationships & effects of external forcing (such as temperature) on those relationships.
- Data visualisation. I enjoy experimenting with different visualisation packages/tools.
- Julia
- R
- Python
- shell scripting
- Graphical Analysis of A Marine Plankton Community Reveals Spatial, Temporal, and Niche Structure of Sub-Communities (2022, with Irwin, A. and Finkel, Z.) https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.943540
- Large-eddy simulation of subsurface phytoplankton dynamics: an optimum condition for chlorophyll patchiness induced by Langmuir circulations (2018, with Brereton, A. and Lewis, D.) https://doi.org/10.3354/meps12490
- A large eddy simulation study of the formation of deep chlorophyll/biological maxima in un-stratified mixed layers: The roles of turbulent mixing and predation pressure (2017, with Lewis, D. and Brereton, A.) https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.10566