👋 Hi, I’m Juan Manuel Ramallo a full stack engineer.
👀 I’m interested in projects from scrath or adding features, conecting in to new systems Apis by making new APIs and then updating those under REST.
🌱 I’m currently learning more as ever before and impruving my skills by adding funcionalitys in public and or private enviorments, tasks like: - Designing, managing software programs. - Testing and evaluating new features. - Modifying software to fix first, and improve it. - Deploying software tools, processes and metrics backoofices for adminitration users interfaces by full CRUD MVS models. - Directing software programming and documentation development. - Writing and implementing on Scrums metodogies teams or as solo webmaster for incipient statups or internacionals financial institutions. - Preparing reports on programming project specifications, activities, or status as a rutine. - Consulting with engineering staff to evaluate software-hardware interfaces and develop specifications and performance requirements.
I’m looking to collaborate on new chalanges
Email adrees: [email protected]
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juan-manuel-ramallo/
Phone number: +5493513118724
Whatsapp me: https://wa.me/5493513118724