Makes working with AEMO data more pleasant.
- ruby-head (failures allowed)
- 3.2
- 3.1
- < 3.1
% gem install aemo
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Gemfile
source '' do
gem 'aemo'
- Connect to AEMO via VPN (tip: be a market participant in order to unlock this step)
- Log in to MSATS
- Navigate to Reports and Alerts » CATS » C1 - Data Replication Resynchronisation Report - Data Replication Resynchronisation Report (C1)
- Export both the CATS_DLF_CODES and CATS_TNI_CODES tables (from 1-Jan-1970 to the current date, both with 30,000 max rows)
- Wait...
- Wait some more...
- Navigate to Participant Outbox (you have new messages link)
- Get the file!
- Run the following:
cd lib/data && ruby xml_to_json.rb
- Add tests for your new FY to spec/lib/aemo/nmi_spec.rb
- note that AEMO can retroactively change factors so if there is an old failing test double check the json to make sure it's not AEMO's fault.- Commit, push & create a pull request