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230 lines (182 loc) · 7.35 KB


1. Description:

  • Subject: Advanced Techniques in Artificial Intelligence

  • Objective: Modify default ALLIED and AXIS agents to achieve some tasks

  • Contents:

    • jgomas: jgomas code containing maps, agents, launchers, manager, renderer...
    • JGOMAS_Unity_Windows: jgomas Unity Windows renderer
    • run: scripts to run launcher, manager and renderer together
    • JGomas-Fighters: code from previous year teams:
    • Competition: code from the competition with agents, launchers and statistics

2. Teams:

  • Final Teams: 6 members, joining 2 teams of 3 memebers.

  • Specialized sub-teams: ALLIED and AXIS

  • ALLIED team: Alex Beltrán, Enaitz Berrocal and Oihane Cantero

  • AXIS team: Jon Ander Almandoz, Julen Etxaniz and Jokin Rodriguez

3. Deadlines:

  • Deadline task 1 and 2 : Before December 1, 2020

  • Deadline task 3 and 4: December 14, 2020

  • Competition: December 14 and 15, 2020

  • Presentations: December 17, 2020

4. Configuration:

  • Map: map_04

  • Number of soldiers per team: 7

  • Configuration of default ALLIED and AXIS teams: 3 soldiers, 2 medics, 2 fieldops

  • Default time per match: 10 min.

  • Default parameters: health, ammo, etc.

5. Tasks:

The default agents are in folder default. The file to run the default agests is run_render_defaultVSdefault.

5.1. Implement a winning ALLIED team for the default AXIS team.

The implementation of this task is in folder simple. The file to run this task is run_render_simpleVSdefault.

5.2. Implement a winning AXIS team for the default ALLIED team.

The implementation of this task is in folder simple. The file to run this task is run_render_defaultVSsimple.

5.3. Implement a winning ALLIED team for any AXIS team.

The implementation of this task is in folder complex. The files to run this task are run_render_complexVScomplex and run_render_complexVSsimple.

5.4. Implement a winning AXIS team for any ALLIED team.

The implementation of this task is in folder complex. The file to run this task is run_render_complexVScomplex and run_render_simpleVScomplex.

Final work implementations:

Few changes have been made for this last project:

AXIS team:

  • Decrease the radio of the axis team.

    As the agents change the direction more times it is easier to detect an enemy.

  • Make all agents soldiers

    We realised that we did not need healing or ammo. It was more important to kill allied agents as fast as possible.

  • Implement no friendly fire.

    <-  ?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=2) { .println("Looking for agents to aim."); }
        .length(FOVObjects, Length);
        ?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=1) { .println("El numero de objetos es:", Length); }
        if (Length > 0) {


        while (bucle(X) & (X < Length)) {

            //.println("En el bucle, y X vale:", X);
            .nth(X, FOVObjects, Object);
            // Object structure 
            .nth(2, Object, Type);
            ?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=2) { .println("Objeto Analizado: ", Object); }
            if (Type > 1000) {
                ?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=2) { .println("I found some object."); }
            } else {
                // Object may be an enemy
                .nth(1, Object, Team);
                if (Team == 200) {  // Only if I'm AXIS
                if(Team == 100){
            .nth(4, EnemyObj, DistToEnemy);
                .nth(4, AlliedObj, DistToAlly);



ALLIED team:

  • Make all the agents medics

    We found out with this little change, the enemies should make good strategies to counter this.

  • Change the medic agents behaviour

+!fw_distance( pos( A, B, C ), pos( X, Y, Z ) )
	D = math.sqrt( ( A - X ) * ( A - X ) + ( B - Y ) * ( B - Y ) + ( C - Z ) * ( C - Z ) );
	-+fw_distance( D );
+!follow(pos( X, Y, Z ), DistObjetivo )
<-	?my_position( A, B, C );
	Vx = X - A;
	Vz = Z - C;
	Modulo = math.sqrt(Vx * Vx + Vz * Vz);
	-+destinoX(A + (Vx/Modulo) * DistObjetivo);
	-+destinoZ(C + (Vz/Modulo) * DistObjetivo);
	.println((Vx/Modulo) * DistObjetivo);

+followFlag(X, Y, Z)[source(M)] 
<-	?priority(P);
!add_task(task(P, "TASK_GOTO_POSITION", "Manager", pos(X, Y, Z), ""));

<-  ?fovObjects(FOVObjects);
	.length(FOVObjects, Length);
	if (objectivePackTaken(on)) {
		if (returnHome(RH) & (RH == 0)) {
			!add_task(task(5000, "TASK_GOTO_POSITION", M, pos(30, 0, 240), ""));
			-+task_priority("TASK_GIVE_MEDICPAKS", 0);
		?my_position(X, Y, Z);
     	.my_team("medic_ALLIED", E2);
     	.concat("followFlag(",X, ", ", Y, ", ", Z, ")", Content2);
     	.send_msg_with_conversation_id(E2, tell, Content2, "FLAG");
	if (Length > 0) {
	    while (aimed("false") & bucle(X) & (X < Length)) {
	        .nth(X, FOVObjects, Object);
	        // Object structure
	        .nth(2, Object, Type);
	        ?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=2) { .println("Objeto Analizado: ", Object); }
	        if (Type > 1000) {
	            ?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=2) { .println("I found some object."); }
	        } else {
	            // Object may be an enemy
	            .nth(1, Object, Team);
	            /*if (Team == 200) {  // Only if I'm ALLIED				
	                ?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=2) { .println("Aiming an enemy. . .", MyTeam, " ", .number(MyTeam) , " ", Team, " ", .number(Team)); }

<- ?my_position(X, Y, Z);   
   !fw_distance(pos(X, Y, Z), pos(184, 0, 240));
   !fw_distance(pos(X, Y, Z), pos(30, 0, 240));

   if(D1 > D2) {
   		!add_task(task(5000, "TASK_GOTO_POSITION", M, pos(30, 0, 240), ""));
   } else {
   		!add_task(task(5000, "TASK_GOTO_POSITION", M, pos(184, 0, 240), ""));