Repository: https://github.com/juletx/jgomas-final-work
: jgomas code containing maps, agents, launchers, manager, renderer...JGOMAS_Unity_Windows
: jgomas Unity Windows rendererrun
: scripts to run launcher, manager and renderer togetherJGomas-Fighters
: code from previous year teams: https://github.com/amujika/JGomas-FightersCompetition
: code from the competition with agents, launchers and statistics
The default agents are in folder default
. The file to run the default agests is run_render_defaultVSdefault
The implementation of this task is in folder simple
. The file to run this task is run_render_simpleVSdefault
The implementation of this task is in folder simple
. The file to run this task is run_render_defaultVSsimple
The implementation of this task is in folder complex
. The files to run this task are run_render_complexVScomplex
and run_render_complexVSsimple
The implementation of this task is in folder complex
. The file to run this task is run_render_complexVScomplex
and run_render_simpleVScomplex
Few changes have been made for this last project:
AXIS team:
Decrease the radio of the axis team.
As the agents change the direction more times it is easier to detect an enemy.
Make all agents soldiers
We realised that we did not need healing or ammo. It was more important to kill allied agents as fast as possible.
Implement no friendly fire.
<- ?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=2) { .println("Looking for agents to aim."); }
.length(FOVObjects, Length);
?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=1) { .println("El numero de objetos es:", Length); }
if (Length > 0) {
while (bucle(X) & (X < Length)) {
//.println("En el bucle, y X vale:", X);
.nth(X, FOVObjects, Object);
// Object structure
.nth(2, Object, Type);
?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=2) { .println("Objeto Analizado: ", Object); }
if (Type > 1000) {
?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=2) { .println("I found some object."); }
} else {
// Object may be an enemy
.nth(1, Object, Team);
if (Team == 200) { // Only if I'm AXIS
if(Team == 100){
.nth(4, EnemyObj, DistToEnemy);
.nth(4, AlliedObj, DistToAlly);
ALLIED team:
Make all the agents medics
We found out with this little change, the enemies should make good strategies to counter this.
Change the medic agents behaviour
+!fw_distance( pos( A, B, C ), pos( X, Y, Z ) )
D = math.sqrt( ( A - X ) * ( A - X ) + ( B - Y ) * ( B - Y ) + ( C - Z ) * ( C - Z ) );
-+fw_distance( D );
+!follow(pos( X, Y, Z ), DistObjetivo )
<- ?my_position( A, B, C );
Vx = X - A;
Vz = Z - C;
Modulo = math.sqrt(Vx * Vx + Vz * Vz);
-+destinoX(A + (Vx/Modulo) * DistObjetivo);
-+destinoZ(C + (Vz/Modulo) * DistObjetivo);
.println((Vx/Modulo) * DistObjetivo);
+followFlag(X, Y, Z)[source(M)]
<- ?priority(P);
!add_task(task(P, "TASK_GOTO_POSITION", "Manager", pos(X, Y, Z), ""));
<- ?fovObjects(FOVObjects);
.length(FOVObjects, Length);
if (objectivePackTaken(on)) {
if (returnHome(RH) & (RH == 0)) {
!add_task(task(5000, "TASK_GOTO_POSITION", M, pos(30, 0, 240), ""));
-+task_priority("TASK_GIVE_MEDICPAKS", 0);
?my_position(X, Y, Z);
.my_team("medic_ALLIED", E2);
.concat("followFlag(",X, ", ", Y, ", ", Z, ")", Content2);
.send_msg_with_conversation_id(E2, tell, Content2, "FLAG");
if (Length > 0) {
while (aimed("false") & bucle(X) & (X < Length)) {
.nth(X, FOVObjects, Object);
// Object structure
.nth(2, Object, Type);
?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=2) { .println("Objeto Analizado: ", Object); }
if (Type > 1000) {
?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=2) { .println("I found some object."); }
} else {
// Object may be an enemy
.nth(1, Object, Team);
/*if (Team == 200) { // Only if I'm ALLIED
?debug(Mode); if (Mode<=2) { .println("Aiming an enemy. . .", MyTeam, " ", .number(MyTeam) , " ", Team, " ", .number(Team)); }
<- ?my_position(X, Y, Z);
!fw_distance(pos(X, Y, Z), pos(184, 0, 240));
!fw_distance(pos(X, Y, Z), pos(30, 0, 240));
if(D1 > D2) {
!add_task(task(5000, "TASK_GOTO_POSITION", M, pos(30, 0, 240), ""));
} else {
!add_task(task(5000, "TASK_GOTO_POSITION", M, pos(184, 0, 240), ""));