You need a github account for this.
1. First go to and sign in with github
2. Then make a workspace with a new repo (perferably an existing one in your github account.)
Now follow the instructions below.
docker run --rm -d -p 3443:80 -v $PWD:/workspace:rw -e USER=username -e PASSWORD=password -e RESOLUTION=1366x650 --name ubuntu-novnc4 fredblgr/ubuntu-novnc:20.04
Then click on "Open Window" as seen in this image
and enjoy!
Copy these lines:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install neovim
sudo apt-get install terminator
This VM is not perfect and can have major issues such as running a DE(Desktop Environment) but I think it's still capable of watching youtube videos and getting rid of pesky internet blocks.