Hi! Welcome to JustCode React Native Zero to Hero Tutorial 13 Github page. To run the application in this Github page you need to:
Have a valid Oxford Dictionaries API account and create the application ID and Key. If you don't have, please sign up one at https://developer.oxforddictionaries.com
Have a workable React Native development environment. If you don't have please watch the tutorial 1 video from the available sources below:
English Version
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/justcodejs/videos/494682137916280/
- YouTube: https://youtu.be/Bfv0Mr4lnEk
- YouKu: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDUzODQxNzU4MA==.html
- BiliBili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av87916476/
Chinese Version
Have a valid Apple Developer account.
Have a valid Firebase account and project. Please watch your Tutorial 5 if you not familiar with Firebase.
Download the Firebase Google service json and plist file for android and iOS. Place the google-services.json in android/app folder and GoogleService-Info.plist in ios folder.
Once you have the above conditions met, you may download the tutorial source code as a zip file or clone it using the command below.
git clone https://github.com/justcodejs/RN_Zero2Hero_Tutorial12.git
After you had downloaded/cloned the source code, you need to perform the tasks below:
- Change the App ID and Key in the src/lib/api.js file to the one you registered.
- Generate your own Google Firebase configuration file for both Android and iOS.
- Please follow the Setup.md file on iOS 14 Bugfix
Execute the commands below in the project folder via the command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac)
# 1 - Install all the required modules
yarn install
# 2 - Run the application
# For iOS, please make sure you run the pod install command as shown below.
cd ios && pod install && cd ..
npx react-native run-ios
npx react-native run-android
That is all and have Fun! All our videos are available in the following platforms: