Send a lot of requests to test a website's stress resistance
This program is just made for test stress resistance of websites, not for DDOS attack.(It means you should only 'attack' the website made by yourself, not others)
To use this program, you must agree these terms:
All the consequences made by using this program should be borne by you, not by me (the author of this program).
You use this program means you agree to all the terms.
If you don't agree to these terms, you MUST stop using this program AT ONCE.
You can download from Github Release or build by yourself:
# Linux
# If you don't have golang, run this. (Ubuntu)
# apt install golang
go build main.go
mv main easystress
# You can also move 'easystress' to a directory in PATH
# Windows
# If you don't have golang, download from
go build main.go
mv main.exe easystress.exe
# You can also move 'easystress.exe' to a directory in PATH
easystress -t 100 -w 5 -o 3 -f t.csv
This command will open 5 workers with 3 second timeout to send 100 requests to and record to t.csv
--licence, -l Show the licence (default: false)
--timeout value, -o value The timeout (unit: second) (default: 5)
--time value, -t value The time of sending requests
--worker value, -w value The amount of workers to send requests (default: 4)
--file value, -f value The name of the csv file which contains every request's time and error (default: none)
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version