Simple Spring boot application to show off a few simple things:
- Profiles referencing different datasources;
- Using an in-memory database for development;
- Using liquibase and migrating at bootstrap.
Run the application:
Application.main(final String ... args)
By default the is loaded for further processing. Inside the file a profile is set up (test by default) which means the Spring Boot application will also automatically load the associated properties files, being
Inside the properties file, properties are defined describing a datasource. Spring boot (more specifically the jdbc part of boot) takes these properties to initialize the datasource.
This is the configuration for the 'pro' profile, which is a mysql datasource, using a mysql driver.
This is the configuration for the 'test' profile, which is a H2 database running in MySql compatibility mode.
Depending on the profile active, one of the two is initialized and the application will be agnostic of which one.
To execute a query using jdbc, have the jdbcTemplate injected which will go through this datasource.
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
The application - on startup - runs a series of updates on the database using liquibase database versioning. Liquibase keeps track of changes and is able to incrementally update the database to the correct state, or rebuild it from scratch. This is useful in local developement and in production alike as it will make sure the database is in correct shape for the application.
Spring boot will look for a file containing the changelog:
Based on this, and the current state of the data in the target database liquibase will make sure the datasource is in the expected state for the application to run against it.