MusicNow is a python script that downloads music and albums with important tags such as : album name, artist name, lyrics and album art.
You can now download songs online with metadata at MusicNow's website (This is experimental and currently in development)
- Downloads entire songs from youtube.
- Fetches lyrics from Genius
- Fetches metadata from Spotify
- Downloads entire albums.
- Changes file name to "{artist} - {title}"
$ brew install libav
$ sudo apt-get install libav-tools
- Create an account and register an application
- Grab Access Token
- Set access token in config file
- Create an account
- Grab Access Token
- Set access token in config file
$ musicnow --config
Enter Genius key : <enter genius key>
Enter Bing key : <enter bing key>
$ pip install musicnow
$ git clone
$ cd MusicNow
$ python install
$ musicnow
$ musicnow --help
usage: musicnow [-h] [-c] [-m MULTIPLE_FILE] [-a] [--album]
Download songs with album art and metadata!
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --config Set your API keys
Download multiple songs from a text file list
-a, --auto Automatically chooses top result
--album Downloads all songs from an album
Use at own risk. Downloading music with copyrights might be illegal in your country.
Found an issue? Post it in the issue tracker.
Want to add another awesome feature? Fork this repository and add your feature, then send a pull request.
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2017 Lakshay Kalbhor