##Fight the Enemies, Win the Game!
FEWG is a simple command-based multi-player game.
The server is written in Python and requires Twisted and TwistedWebsocket to run.
The client is written in Javascript using WebSockets (requires HTML5).
##1. Client
In order to use the client, you must know the address and port (default is 1234) of the server you plan to connect to.
###1. The web app
Simply open the client webapp in your web browser of choice. Note that your browser must support HTML5 websockets.
##2. Server
###1. Setup
Install Python 2.7.10 if it is not already installed on your system.
Make sure that pip is installed. If it is not, install it.
To install the required modules, navigate to the server directory in the project root and run:
pip install twisted
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note that installing from requirements.txt may fail if twisted is not already installed.
###2. Running the Server
- Navigate to the project's root directory and run:
python run_server.py