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add tests for tx failure, fix applyLocal _crMetaData
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jmcardon committed Jul 25, 2024
1 parent a90f01b commit 66acf27
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Showing 5 changed files with 98 additions and 19 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions cabal.project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ source-repository-package
type: git
tag: c929b9ea9bfd8e86e765c0e569d74797c1b0c7a8
--sha256: 0nv6rrk2vvyzsd2ia54cx6wp02nrj2fn0c2s45bhmpsb8c25q6jm
tag: 0234d4fde21c219fedb9cdc58684291f8bb42fd9
--sha256: 15y7fji71v3pnvw0l3000wmv49zidbjl81d3f9443nm9d2i4p22v

type: git
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/Chainweb/Pact5/TransactionExec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError(..), liftEither)
import qualified Pact.Core.Syntax.ParseTree as Lisp
import Pact.Core.Command.Types (Payload(_pSigners))
import Pact.Core.StableEncoding
import Chainweb.BlockHeaderDB (BlockHeaderDb)
import Chainweb.Pact.SPV (pact5SPV)
import Data.Void
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,7 +331,7 @@ applyLocal logger maybeGasLogger coreDb txCtx spvSupport cmd = do
, _crLogs = Just $ _erLogs payloadResult
, _crContinuation = _erExec payloadResult
, _crEvents = _erEvents payloadResult
, _crMetaData = Nothing
, _crMetaData = Just (J.toJsonViaEncode $ StableEncoding $ ctxToPublicData (cmd ^. cmdPayload . pMeta) txCtx)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,7 +423,7 @@ applyCmd logger maybeGasLogger pact5Db txCtx spv cmd initialGas = do
, _crResult = PactResultErr err
-- all gas is used when a command fails
, _crGas = cmd ^. cmdPayload . pMeta . pmGasLimit . _GasLimit
, _crLogs = Nothing
, _crLogs = Just $ _erLogs buyGasResult <> _erLogs redeemGasResult
, _crContinuation = Nothing
, _crEvents = _erEvents buyGasResult <> _erEvents redeemGasResult
, _crMetaData = Nothing
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79 changes: 78 additions & 1 deletion test/Chainweb/Test/Pact5/TransactionExecTest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -350,6 +350,7 @@ tests baseRdb = testGroup "Pact5 TransactionExecTest"
, pt _crGas . equals $ Gas 1
, pt _crContinuation . equals $ Nothing
, pt _crLogs . equals $ Just []
, pt _crMetaData $ allOf1 _Just continue

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -533,7 +534,17 @@ tests baseRdb = testGroup "Pact5 TransactionExecTest"
-- reflects buyGas gas usage, as well as that of the payload
, pt _crGas . equals $ Gas 300
, pt _crContinuation . equals $ Nothing
, pt _crLogs . equals $ Nothing --Just []
, pt _crLogs . soleElementOf _Just $
[ satAll
[ pt _txDomain . equals $ "USER_coin_coin-table"
, pt _txKey . equals $ "sender00"
, satAll
[ pt _txDomain . equals $ "USER_coin_coin-table"
, pt _txKey . equals $ "NoMiner"

-- Invoke module when verifier capability is present. Should succeed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -563,6 +574,7 @@ tests baseRdb = testGroup "Pact5 TransactionExecTest"
-- reflects buyGas gas usage, as well as that of the payload
, pt _crGas . equals $ Gas 168
, pt _crContinuation . equals $ Nothing
, pt _crMetaData . equals $ Nothing
, pt _crLogs . soleElementOf _Just $
[ satAll
Expand All @@ -583,6 +595,71 @@ tests baseRdb = testGroup "Pact5 TransactionExecTest"

return ()

, testCase "applyCmd failure spec" $ runResourceT $ do
sql <- withTempSQLiteResource
liftIO $ do
cp <- initCheckpointer v cid sql
tdb <- mkTestBlockDb v =<< testRocksDb "testApplyPayload" baseRdb
bhdb <- getWebBlockHeaderDb (_bdbWebBlockHeaderDb tdb) cid
T2 () _finalPactState <- withPactService v cid stdoutDummyLogger Nothing bhdb (_bdbPayloadDb tdb) sql testPactServiceConfig $ do
initialPayloadState v cid
(throwIfNoHistory =<<) $ readFrom (Just $ ParentHeader gh) $ do
db <- view psBlockDbEnv
liftIO $ do
pactDb <- assertDynamicPact5Db (_cpPactDbEnv db)
startSender00Bal <- readBal pactDb "sender00"
assertEqual "starting balance" (Just 100_000_000) startSender00Bal
startMinerBal <- readBal pactDb "NoMiner"

cmd <- buildCwCmd "nonce" v defaultCmd
{ _cbRPC = mkExec' "(+ 1 \"abc\")"
, _cbSigners =
[ mkEd25519Signer' sender00
[ CapToken (QualifiedName "GAS" (ModuleName "coin" Nothing)) [] ]
, _cbSender = "sender00"
, _cbChainId = cid
, _cbGasPrice = GasPrice 2
, _cbGasLimit = GasLimit (Gas 500)
let txCtx = TxContext {_tcParentHeader = ParentHeader gh, _tcMiner = noMiner}
let expectedGasConsumed = 500
commandResult <- applyCmd stdoutDummyLogger Nothing pactDb txCtx noSPVSupport (_payloadObj <$> cmd) (Gas 1)
() <- commandResult & satAll
-- gas buy event

[ pt _crEvents ? PT.list [ event
(equals "TRANSFER")
(equals [PString "sender00", PString "NoMiner", PDecimal 1000])
(equals coinModule)
-- tx errored
, pt _crResult ? allOf1 _PactResultErr continue
-- reflects buyGas gas usage, as well as that of the payload
, pt _crGas . equals $ Gas expectedGasConsumed
, pt _crContinuation . equals $ Nothing
, pt _crLogs . soleElementOf _Just $
[ satAll
[ pt _txDomain . equals $ "USER_coin_coin-table"
, pt _txKey . equals $ "sender00"
, satAll
[ pt _txDomain . equals $ "USER_coin_coin-table"
, pt _txKey . equals $ "NoMiner"

endSender00Bal <- readBal pactDb "sender00"
assertEqual "ending balance should be less gas money" (Just 99_999_000) endSender00Bal
endMinerBal <- readBal pactDb "NoMiner"
assertEqual "miner balance after redeeming gas should have increased"
(Just $ fromMaybe 0 startMinerBal + (fromIntegral expectedGasConsumed) * 2)

return ()

, testCase "applyCmd coin.transfer" $ runResourceT $ do
sql <- withTempSQLiteResource
liftIO $ do
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23 changes: 12 additions & 11 deletions tools/cwtool/TxSimulator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import Chainweb.Pact.PactService.Checkpointer
import Chainweb.Pact.PactService.Pact4.ExecBlock
import Chainweb.Pact.RestAPI.Server
import Chainweb.Pact.Service.Types
import Chainweb.Pact.TransactionExec
import Chainweb.Pact4.TransactionExec
import Chainweb.Pact.Types
import Chainweb.Payload
import Chainweb.Payload.PayloadStore
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ simulate sc@(SimConfig dbDir txIdx' _ _ cid ver gasLog doTypecheck) = do
Left _ -> error "bad cmd"
Right cmdPwt -> do
let cmd = Pact4.payloadObj <$> cmdPwt
let txc = TxContext parent $ publicMetaOf cmd
let txc = undefined -- TxContext parent $ publicMetaOf cmd
-- This rocksdb isn't actually used, it's just to satisfy
-- PactServiceEnv
withTempRocksDb "txsim-rocksdb" $ \rdb -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,19 +147,20 @@ simulate sc@(SimConfig dbDir txIdx' _ _ cid ver gasLog doTypecheck) = do
$ (throwIfNoHistory =<<)
$ readFrom (Just parent)
$ do
mc <- readInitModules
mc <- undefined -- readInitModules
T3 !cr _mc _ <- do
dbEnv <- view psBlockDbEnv
dbEnv <- undefined -- view psBlockDbEnv
liftIO $ trace (logFunction cwLogger) "applyCmd" () 1 $
applyCmd ver logger gasLogger Nothing (_cpPactDbEnv dbEnv) miner (getGasModel txc)
applyCmd ver logger gasLogger Nothing (_cpPactDbEnv dbEnv) miner undefined -- (getGasModel txc)
txc noSPVSupport cmd (initGas cmdPwt) mc ApplySend
liftIO $ T.putStrLn (J.encodeText (J.Array <$> cr))
(_,True) -> do
(throwIfNoHistory =<<) $ _cpReadFrom (_cpReadCp cp) (Just parent) $ \dbEnv -> do
let refStore = RefStore nativeDefs
pd = ctxToPublicData $ TxContext parent def
pd = ctxToPublicData $ undefined -- TxContext parent def
loadMod = fmap inlineModuleData . getModule (def :: Info)
ee <- setupEvalEnv (_cpPactDbEnv dbEnv) Nothing Local (initMsgData pactInitialHash) refStore freeGasEnv
-- ee <- setupEvalEnv (_cpPactDbEnv dbEnv) Nothing Local (initMsgData pactInitialHash) refStore freeGasEnv
ee <- setupEvalEnv undefined Nothing Local (initMsgData pactInitialHash) refStore freeGasEnv
permissiveNamespacePolicy noSPVSupport pd def
void $ runEval def ee $ do
mods <- keys def Modules
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,10 +230,10 @@ simulate sc@(SimConfig dbDir txIdx' _ _ cid ver gasLog doTypecheck) = do
doBlock initMC parent ((hdr,pwo):rest) = do
(throwIfNoHistory =<<) $ readFrom (Just parent) $ do
when initMC $ do
mc <- readInitModules
mc <- undefined -- readInitModules
updateInitCacheM mc
void $ trace (logFunction cwLogger) "execBlock" () 1 $
execBlock hdr (CheckablePayloadWithOutputs pwo)
void $ trace (logFunction cwLogger) "execBlock" () 1 $ undefined
-- execBlock hdr (CheckablePayloadWithOutputs pwo)
doBlock False (ParentHeader hdr) rest

-- | Block-scoped SPV mock by matching cont proofs to payload txs.
Expand All @@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ spvSim sc bh pwo = do
go mv cp = modifyMVar mv $ searchOuts cp
searchOuts _ [] = return ([],Left "spv: proof not found")
searchOuts cp@(ContProof pf) ((Transaction ti,TransactionOutput _o):txs) =
case codecDecode (Pact4.payloadCodec (pactParserVersion (scVersion sc) (_chainId bh) (_blockHeight bh))) ti of
case codecDecode (Pact4.payloadCodec (undefined (scVersion sc) (_chainId bh) (_blockHeight bh))) ti of
Left {} -> internalError "input decode failed"
Right cmd -> case _pPayload $ Pact4.payloadObj $ _cmdPayload cmd of
Continuation cm | _cmProof cm == Just cp -> do
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tools/ea/Ea.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ import Chainweb.Pact.Backend.Utils
import Chainweb.Pact.PactService
import Chainweb.Pact.Types (testPactServiceConfig)
import Chainweb.Pact.Utils (toTxCreationTime)
import Chainweb.Pact.Validations (defaultMaxTTL)
import Chainweb.Pact4.Validations (defaultMaxTTL)
import Chainweb.Payload
import Chainweb.Payload.PayloadStore.InMemory
import Chainweb.Storage.Table.RocksDB
import Chainweb.Time
import qualified Chainweb.Pact4.Transaction as Pact4
(Pact4.Transaction, Pact4.payloadCodec, mkPayloadWithTextOld)
(Transaction,payloadCodec, mkPayloadWithTextOld)
import Chainweb.Utils
import Chainweb.Version

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ mkChainwebTxs' rawTxs =
f@ProcFail{} -> fail (show f)
ProcSucc c -> do
let t = toTxCreationTime (Time (TimeSpan 0))
return $! mkPayloadWithTextOld <$> (c & setTxTime t & setTTL defaultMaxTTL)
return $! Pact4.mkPayloadWithTextOld <$> (c & setTxTime t & setTTL defaultMaxTTL)
setTxTime = set (cmdPayload . pMeta . pmCreationTime)
setTTL = set (cmdPayload . pMeta . pmTTL)
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