Kaia.ai is a software platform for intelligent robots. Please read our blog for more.
Please sign up for a Kickstarter pre-launch invite here. We plan to launch on Kickstarter in 2nd half of 2024 via our Maker's Pet hardware partner's campaign.
Please visit the Support Forum!
Kaia.ai robotics software platform is actively evolving and currently consists of these parts:
- Micro-ROS Arduino library for Kaia.ai-compatible robots repo
- End-user and development ROS2 Docker images repo
- Robot simulation ROS2 packages repo
- Robot operation ROS2 packages repo, including SLAM mapping, navigation, etc.
- WebRTC-based image/video/data streaming
- Python-based image/audio sensing, processing (ML), decision making (ML/AI), robot face animation (TODO)
- Cloud software infrastructure (TODO)
- robot skills store (TODO)
- Maker's Pet Loki 200mm 3D-printable pet robot
- Maker's Pet Fido 250mm 3D-printable pet robot
- Maker's Pet Snoopy 300mm 3D-printable pet robot
- Maker's Pet Mini 120mm
- Add your own version to the list
- View build, setup and bringup videos
- This video is somewhat outdated; an up-to-date video will be published at a later time
- YDLIDAR X4 (default), X2/X2L, X3, X3PRO, SCL
- Neato XV11
- Xiaomi Roborock 1st gen LDS02RR (~$16 off AliExpress including shipping)
- 3irobotix Delta-2A, Delta-2B, Delta-2G
- Camsense X1
The entire up-to-date list of supported LiDAR is here.
Example: operate makerspet_loki robot using commands below.
Operate Fido or Snoopy by replacing loki
with fido
or snoopy
in commands below.
The Docker image contains ROS2 and micro-ROS pre-configured with additional Kaia.ai ROS2 packages.
Open a Windows command shell or Windows PowerShell window and type the command below. This should give you a bash prompt.
docker pull kaiaai/kaiaai:iron
docker run --name makerspet -it --rm -p 8888:8888/udp -p 4430:4430/tcp -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0 -e LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=0 kaiaai/kaiaai:iron
Get an aditional bash prompt by opening another Windows command shell or Windows PowerShell window and typing:
docker exec -it makerspet bash
# Launch the physical robot
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
# Drive robot manually
ros2 run kaiaai_teleop teleop_keyboard robot_model:=makerspet_loki
# Monitor robot sensors
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup monitor_robot.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
# Create a map while driving manually
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup cartographer.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
# Save the newly-created map
ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/map --ros-args -p save_map_timeout:=60.0
# Robot self-drives using an existing map
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup navigation.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki map:=$HOME/map
Create a map automatically - no manual driving
# Launch the physical robot
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
# Launch SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) - navigate and map simultaneously
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup navigation.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki slam:=True
# Robot automatically seeks out, self-drives to unknown locations
ros2 launch explore_lite explore.launch.py
# Save the newly-created map
ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/map --ros-args -p save_map_timeout:=60.0
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=XIAOMI-LDS02RR
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=YDLIDAR-X4
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=YDLIDAR-X3
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=YDLIDAR-X3-PRO
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=YDLIDAR-X2-X2L
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=YDLIDAR-SCL
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=NEATO-XV11
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=3IROBOTIX-DELTA-2A
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=3IROBOTIX-DELTA-2B
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=3IROBOTIX-DELTA-2G
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=LDROBOT-LD14P
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=CAMSENSE-X1
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup physical.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki lds_model:=SLAMTEC-RPLIDAR-A1
# View parameters
ros2 node list
ros2 node info /pet
ros2 param list /pet
ros2 param dump /pet
# Set the desired laser scan frequency to 7 Hz
ros2 param set /pet lds.scan_freq 7.0
# Get the current desired laser scan frequency
ros2 param get /pet lds.scan_freq
# Reset the desired laser scan frequency to default
ros2 param set /pet lds.scan_freq 0.0
# Launch the robot in a simulation - drive manually
ros2 launch kaiaai_gazebo world.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 run kaiaai_teleop teleop_keyboard robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup monitor_robot.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
# Launch the robot in a simulation - robot self-drives around
ros2 launch kaiaai_gazebo world.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 launch kaiaai_gazebo self_drive_gazebo.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup monitor_robot.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
# Launch the robot in a simulation - create, save a map; robot self-drives around
ros2 launch kaiaai_gazebo world.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup cartographer.launch.py use_sim_time:=true robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 launch kaiaai_gazebo self_drive_gazebo.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/living_room_map --ros-args -p save_map_timeout:=60.0
# Launch the robot in a simulation - let it navigate automatically using an existing map
ros2 launch kaiaai_gazebo world.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup navigation.launch.py use_sim_time:=true robot_model:=makerspet_loki \
# Launch the robot in a simulation - navigate and create a map simultaneously; save the map
ros2 launch kaiaai_gazebo world.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup navigation.launch.py use_sim_time:=true robot_model:=makerspet_loki slam:=True
ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/map --ros-args -p save_map_timeout:=60.0
# Launch the robot in a simulation - navigate and create a map simultaneously
# Robot seeks out, self-drives to unknown locations to complete the mapping
ros2 launch kaiaai_gazebo world.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup navigation.launch.py use_sim_time:=true robot_model:=makerspet_loki slam:=True
ros2 launch explore_lite explore.launch.py
ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/map --ros-args -p save_map_timeout:=60.0
# Launch the robot in a simulation - navigate and create a map simultaneously
# Robot seeks out, self-drives to unknown locations to complete the mapping, saves map
ros2 run auto_mapper auto_mapper map_path:=/ros_ws/map.yaml
ros2 launch kaiaai_gazebo world.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup navigation.launch.py use_sim_time:=true robot_model:=makerspet_loki slam:=True
# Launch the robot in a simulation - navigate and create a map simultaneously
# Robot seeks out, self-drives to unknown locations to complete the mapping
ros2 launch kaiaai_gazebo world.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup navigation.launch.py use_sim_time:=true robot_model:=makerspet_loki slam:=True
ros2 run nav2_wfd explore
# Inspect, edit robot's URDF model
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup inspect_urdf.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
ros2 launch kaiaai_bringup edit_urdf.launch.py robot_model:=makerspet_loki
# Convert URDF robot model file into SDF Gazebo simulation model file
ros2 run kaiaai_gazebo urdf2sdf.sh /ros_ws/src/makerspet_loki
cd /ros_ws && colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select makerspet_loki
Initial versions of packages in this repo are based on ROBOTIS Turtlebot3 code
v0.10.0 in debug
- added intensity telemetry publication
- added Maker's Pet Mini
- added LiDAR orientation_deg
- added WebRTC, web server, OpenCV launch
- added Camsense X1 LiDAR
- added kaiaai_python ROS2 package
- added 3irobotix Delta-2A 230400 baud (vs 115200)
- added 3irobotix Delta-2B
- bugfix missing first scan point
- kaiaai_telemetry
- switched to KaiaTelemetry2 message
- publish /battery_state
- publish /wifi_state RSSI
- discard_broken_scans, needs more debug
- added LDROBOT LD14P
v0.6.0 2/11/2024
- added 3irobotix Delta-2A, Delta-2G
- added LiDAR/LDS laser distance scan sensors support
- Neato XV11
- split kaiaai_telemetry config into default and custom
is the default configmakerspet_loki/config/telem.yaml
is the custom config for the Loki robot modelmakerspet_fido/config/telem.yaml
is the custom config for the Fido robot modelmakerspet_snoopy/config/telem.yaml
is the custom config for the Snoopy robot model
- added YDLIDAR X2 support to kaiaai_telemetry
- kaiaai_telemetry now supports multiple LiDAR/LDS laser distance scan sensors
- added Xiaomi Mi LDS02RR; default is YDLIDAR X4
- added fully automatic self-driving to map exploration (frontier exploration m-explore)
- I think this code needs debug
- added Nav2 SLAM (as an alternative to Google Cartographer)
- Nav2 SLAM enables driving autonomously to a set goal while mapping (and while the map is still incomplete)
- increase the map saver default timeout
- fixed the map saving command timing out on my "slow" laptop