released this
07 May 21:36
v0.5.1 / 2018-05-07
Fix: I/O error on Python 3
Fix: Snowboy build for Python 3
Fix: fix kill_switch core neuron
Fix: error with Jinja lib when installing
Fix: 'device unavailable' exception should now be handled properly
Fix: API call when kalliope is processing
Enhancement: rename 'mute' to 'deaf' in setting and neuron
Enhancement: create en 'option' setting. Deaf and mute are now placed in this setting
Enhancement: add mute / unmute hook
Enhancement: add 'on_stt_error' hook
Enhancement: add on_processed_synapses hook
Enhancement: Snowboy lib updated to v1.3.0
Enhancement: remove shell gui feature
Enhancement: add Ubuntu 18.04 support
Feature: Neuron 'settings'
Feature: Neuron 'brain'
Feature: Neuron 'signals'
Feature: stt correction
Feature: STT timeout
Feature: Mute (old no_voice flag). Make Kalliope processing neurons without speaking out loud
Feature: order signal can now skip the trigger to chain orders without waking Kalliope. See 'Signal' neuron
switch to GNU GPL v3.0 license
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