A javascript remake of the original Tunneler DOS game written by Geoffrey Silverton in 1990. No source code for the original game is avaiable, so the game was created from scratch.
The game is rendered to canvas by directly rendering an array of pixels which I manipulate directly.
🔗 Here's a link to the backend repo for the server
❌ Missing Features:
- The logic of tunneling slower through dirt / fast when shooting at the same time
- Random boulders near the edges of the game area
- Big explosion spread logic visually a bit different than original in current version
While the original game was played on one computer in a split-screen mode, the remake features an online multiplayer.
- Move the tank with arrow keys ⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️
- Shoot with space, x, or Numpad0
- I would separate concerns much more aggresively
- Instead of game logic taking place in the gamemap array, each object should only handle what it was supposed to do
- Spend more time planning
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