A program that demonstrates a simple chat server and client.
This program implements the chat server in C++ and the chat client in C based on the resource Beej’s Guide to Network Programming. Full references can be found in the .c and .cpp files.
*** This program was tested and will run on flip.engr.oregonstate.edu port 22 ***
*** This program was tested on the same computer, using two flip windows ***
Unzip the three files from franco_project1.zip (makefile, chatclient.c and chatserve.cpp)
Type “make all” into the command line (without the parentheses)
In the directory that you compiled the three files type “./chatserve port#” without parentheses, and where port# is the port you wish to use. Example ./chatserve 50200
Next, open a new window (instance) of putty, and login to the flip server, go into the same directory as the three files
Type “./chatclient localhost port#” without parentheses, and where port# is the port of the server. Example ./chatclient localhost 50200
Control of Program:
If no clients are there, the server will wait for them
Once a client is run (by following the directions above) then the following occurs:
The chat client will be prompted to choose a handle name, enter your name and press the enter key. Example handle: kara> Once the message indicating you are connected appears, “You are connected! Max message length is 500 characters…”, **you, the client will send the first message** The server can then send a message to the client This messaging pattern is followed until the either: The client ends the chat session, by typing “\quit”, without parentheses, or the client times out (after 3 minutes) The server ends the chat session by typing “\quit”, without parentheses (this will allow the server to chat with other clients) or by using Ctrl-C to end the entire program
Once a client quits the chat, the server can remain on, waiting for more clients.