A Ktor installable plugin for kafka that allows you to start up consumers in coroutine jobs
A light repo with multiple producers and consumers
Set up in Kotlin Gradle:
repositories {
// Need a GH access token with read package scope
maven {
name = "GitHubPackages"
url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/karlazzampersonal/ktor-kafka")
credentials {
username = props.getProperty("USERNAME")
password = props.getProperty("TOKEN")
dependencies {
You can choose to create 0 to N consumer groups, they each run as separate coroutine jobs.
First, Add the feature to your Application module
install(Kafka) {
kafka { bootstrapServer = "localhost:9092" }
consumer {
groupId = "a-group"
topics = listOf("topica")
keyDeserializer = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
valueDeserializer = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
consumer {
groupId = "b-group"
topics = listOf("topicb")
keyDeserializer = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
valueDeserializer = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerDeserializer"
//... Add more consumers if needed
Create a producer:
// First create the producer props
val props = Properties()
props.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", kafkaConfig.bootstrapServer)
props.setProperty("acks", "all")
props.setProperty("retries", "0")
props.setProperty("linger.ms", "1")
props.setProperty("key.serializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer")
//Then init a new producer with those props
val producer : KafkaProducer<String, String> = Producer().createProducer(props)
After installing the feature, start up a consumer in a coroutine job at application startup:
environment.monitor.subscribe(ApplicationStarted) {
// Fetch consumer jobs by group id
val a = ConsumerA(getJob(groupId = "a-group"))
// Launch consumer job in a coroutine scope
launch {
Here's what ConsumerA looks like:
class ConsumerA(private val job: ConsumerJob) {
suspend fun start() = job.start {
val records = job.consumer.poll(Duration.ofMillis(1000L))
for (record in records) {
//Make sure to cast the kafka record value to the correct type
val value = record.value() as String
log.info("Consumer A reading message: $value")
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license
We welcome any contributions, please submit an issue or PR.
We are still missing:
- Kafka streams/topology
- Tests (yikes)
- Example with avro de/serialization
- Example with protobuf de/serialization